Stephanie Ramos

ABC, NBC RAGE at Butker’s ‘Controversial’ Speech That ‘Went Too Far’
On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today seethed with disgust at Christians and anyone who values being a parent over their careers (or any other accomplishment or trait) in light of the Benedictine College commencement address by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, which they deemed “controversial” and worthy of “backlash” and “growing outrage” for…

Networks BLACKOUT Columbia Students Wishing ‘Glory to All Our Martyrs’
Overnight, anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas extremists at Columbia – who’ve been chanting for the murder of Jews – took over an academic building. Come Tuesday morning, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) hyped the development but conspicuously omitted the nastier details reported throughout the night: wishes for “glory to all our martyrs” (a.k.a. Hamas), assaulting other students who…

NBC Downplays Columbia Leader's Anti-Semitism, CBS Still Ignores
On Friday morning, ABC, NBC, and CBS all ignored Columbia encampment student leader Khymani James’s January remarks that Zionists don’t deserve to live and they should be grateful he personally isn’t murdering them. Since then, the results have been mixed. Friday’s World News Tonight on ABC played the video and Saturday’s Today alluded to it, but did not play it, and the…

Networks Praise Pro-Hamas ‘Solidarity Movement’ Spreading, Promote BDS
The three major American broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were out in force Wednesday morning as all three of them took to praising the pro-Hamas extremists taking over college campuses across the country. Ignoring the raging antisemitism that was on full display and captured on videos circulating on social media, they praised the “solidary movement” that was spreading to more campuses.…

WHAT? Threats Against Jews Disappear From Pro-Hamas Protest Coverage
The evening network newscasts are barely into their second weeknight covering the violent, pro-Hamas protests outside Columbia University and throughout college campuses across the nation, and there is already a discernible shift in their coverage. Direct threats against Jewish students have all but disappeared from coverage.

ABC Tries to Brush Aside Evidence of Antisemitism at Columbia U
While NBC was busy trying to discredit Jewish students who were victims of anti-Semitic attacks and threats caught on camera at Columbia University, ABC’s Good Morning America thought they could get by without admitting there was antisemitism coming from the pro-Hamas crowd. Instead, correspondent Stephanie Ramos simply said Jewish students “don’t feel safe” with no explanation as to…

ABC Hails Connecticut Using Stimulus to Ax Medical Debt, Omits Party
Friday on ABC’s Good Morning America, the show that acts more like corporate whores for Disney and flowery nonsense as opposed to a real newscast, swooned with approval at Connecticut Democratic Governor Ned Lamont announcing he’ll use taxpayer funds from Joe Biden’s inflation-inducing boondoggle to wipe out billions in medical debt.

Nets Decide to Care About ‘Alarming’ Anti-Semitism Now WH Is Involved
Following a smattering of mentions since Hamas’s barbaric terror attacks on October 7 and a few full segments, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC decided this week to finally care during their flagship morning and evening newscast about the “troubling” and “very alarming” anti-Semitism on college campuses (now that the Biden administration has stepped in). Of course, it came with helpings of…

Nets Swoons Over ‘Renewed Energy’ for March on Washington Anniversary
From Saturday night through Monday morning, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC got weak knees over the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech that, based on even a cursory view, was no more than a far-left political rally led in part by ethnic and racial arsonist, MSNBC host Al Sharpton.

CBS Joins ABC in NYC Immigrant Sob Story, Omits NYC Is Sanctuary City
CBS Evening News joined its evening counterpart in picking up where ABC’s Good Morning America left off from earlier in the day in selling a sob story about how illegal immigrants flooding across the border made their way up to New York City and are now sleeping in the street and living in poor conditions. They failed to mention that New York is a sanctuary city.

NB Podcast: Firehose of Trump Indictment Overtakes Biden Scandals
Subbing for boss Tim Graham, Associate Editor Nick Fondacaro and dove right in Wednesday with reaction to the unprecedented third Trump indictment, including the astounding totals of coverage on ABC, CBS, and NBC. Spoiler alert: This has given the networks the perfect excuse to wave goodbye to any and all Biden scandals for an indefinite period of time.

ABC Misleads on Border Crisis, Ignored SURGE in July Apprehensions
The July border crossing numbers were out on Tuesday and they showed a massive surge in arrests along the U.S.-Mexico border. But according to the misinformation from ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday, that surge didn’t exist and crossings were actually down. They also threw in some sob stories about so-called “asylum seekers” on the streets of New York City (a sanctuary city),…

CBS, NBC REFUSE to Mention Tanking School Test Scores Due to Lockdowns
Early Monday morning, the latest findings from the National Assessment of Educational Progress went live showing student test scores tanked to their lowest levels in two decades due to the mentally crippling lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. But when it came to sharing this startling fact about America’s next generation with viewers, CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today …

Curtains Down! Here’s Some of the Top Moments From The Psaki Show
Friday marked the end of an era with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki departing the Biden administration after over 200 editions of The Psaki Show, filled with humorous and tense moments. Simply put, Psaki was effective in having served as the chief spin officer and lying propagandist for President Biden amid a litany of crises as he himself has spent much of his presidency hiding from…