Saul Alinsky
David Limbaugh Column: Obama's Unprecedented Impeachment Dare
August 5th, 2014 6:48 PM
Tell me: Has any other United States president ever goaded the opposition party to bring impeachment proceedings against himself? Has any other so sneeringly mocked and taunted the other party?
President Obama is not only not the uniter he promised to be; he is the agitator in chief. Just consider the contrast with President George W. Bush, who didn't even defend himself often, much less…

NPR Plays Dumb: 'Nothing Terribly Ideological' About Saul Alinsky
January 31st, 2012 2:06 PM
People at National Public Radio boast about themselves as a network for the smart people. So why must they try to tell smart people that a man who writes a book called “Rules for Radicals” offered “nothing terribly ideological” in his activism?
In an attempt to "correct" Newt Gingrich on Monday night’s All Things Considered newscast, NPR correspondent Ina Jaffe became merely the latest in a…

CNN Bypasses Obama-Alinsky Ties; Links Alinsky to Tea Party
January 24th, 2012 5:56 PM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien would not brand Saul Alinsky as a leftist radical, and neither would she say President Obama was influenced by his writings – but she had no problem tying Alinsky's controversial beliefs to the Tea Party movement on Monday's Starting Point.
As a community organizer in Chicago, Barack Obama mirrored the tactics Alinsky laid out in his book "Rules for Radicals" – which…

Public Radio's 'Marketplace' Whitewashes Alinsky; 'Quite a Conservativ
January 24th, 2012 11:58 AM
American Public Media (formerly American Public Radio) says that its "Marketplace" program "focuses on the latest business news both nationally and internationally, the global economy, and wider events linked to the financial markets."
Okay. One would expect, given the track record of leftist and communist movements and causes in ruining economies and creating unspeakable human misery, that…

Newt Gingrich Tells David Gregory 'Nobody in the Elite Media Wants to
January 22nd, 2012 3:58 PM
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on Sunday told Meet the Press host David Gregory, "Nobody in the elite media wants to cover" Barack Obama's Saul Alinsky roots.
This came in response to Gregory asking the former Speaker of the House if he can "win independent voters in a general election campaign" talking about Obama's ties to Alinsky and other "radical left-wingers" (video…

Open Thread: Have Alinsky Rules Returned for Obama
October 5th, 2011 10:57 AM
The "Occupy Wall Street" protests that have been occurring across the country in recent days do not appear much different than any other liberal protest group. They are supported by George Soros,, and labor unions, this time with banks as their target. The protestors have posted themselves outside financial buildings around the country, most predominantly in New York City's financial…
Spending Is Just Our Second-Biggest Problem
August 9th, 2011 7:03 PM
Being a disciple of Saul Alinsky might not be so easy as it would appear. President Obama and his minions obviously can't decide whom to scapegoat for the nation's credit downgrade and our financial crisis.
One thing is for sure: It's not in Barack Obama to accept personal responsibility for the consequences of his actions and policies. He still won't own this economy and the exploding…

Pat Buchanan Tells MSNBC Host: 'You’ve Got to Learn Supply and Deman
April 25th, 2011 9:29 PM
MSNBC's token conservative Pat Buchanan has really been having a lot of fun lately taking on the liberals at the so-called news network he contributes to.
On Monday's "MSNBC Live," Buchanan in the middle of a discussion about oil prices and subsidies told the host, "You’ve got to learn a little bit about supply and demand as Barack Obama never did when he was out there in that Saul Alinsky…
Matthews Sees Alinsky In Obama's Healthcare Summit Performance
February 26th, 2010 2:14 PM
Chris Matthews on Thursday said President Obama was using a Saul Alinsky communication technique during the healthcare summit earlier that day.Talking to NBC's Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie about the festivities at Blair House, the "Hardball" host couldn't help but notice community organization skills on display."By the way, that`s the Saul Alinsky in him -- that is the community organizer,"…
How Conservatives Found Twitter and the Evolution of '#TCOT' According
February 8th, 2010 9:27 AM
If you're a follower of conservative politics and also a user of the social networking tool Twitter, you've more than likely have noticed the use of "#tcot," for "top conservatives on Twitter" associated with certain posts that pertain to that subject matter. But it all didn't happen by accident. In the early stages, it was a concerted effort. And most of it was because of the work of Michael…
Chris Matthews Calls Saul Alinsky One Of His Heroes
December 23rd, 2009 11:06 AM
Chris Matthews on Tuesday called "Rules for Radicals" author Saul Alinsky one of his heroes.This admission came only five days after the "Hardball" host proudly admitted on the air that he was a liberal. "I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused," Matthews told "Hardball" guest Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont).Such was revealed as the pair discussed the fate of healthcare…
MSNBC Fail: Network Goes Alinsky on Bachmann (Again) to Promote 'Socia
October 31st, 2009 2:30 PM
After a pattern of attacking Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, on a nightly basis, one of the strategies is becoming apparent - MSNBC is in need of a boogeyman to give a face to the opposition of these radical steps being undertaken to fundamentally change health care in the United States. So rather than attack where the opposition is wrong on a policy level, MSNBC "…
Video: Jon Voight's Speech to Republican Dinner
June 9th, 2009 1:32 PM
To the extent that it is being reported, actor Jon Voight's remarks to last night's Republican House-Senate fundraising dinner are being selectively chosen to fit the media's talking points about conservatives and the GOP. Robert Dougherty of Associated Content News, for example, has latched onto some red meat lines to portray the actor as a thorn in the side of some Republicans who don't want to…
The Most Clueless Man in Chicago
October 7th, 2008 10:12 AM
Update | Hail Halperin: See incredible video at foot. Pressed by Mark Halperin, Robert Gibbs admits Obama continued to associate with Ayers after learning his past. -----H/t Melody N. An Obama spokesman adamantly insists that in 1995 Barack Obama was the most clueless man in Chicago. Andrea Mitchell thinks talk of Barack Obama's ties to an unrepentant terrorist is a "distraction." Rudy Giuliani…