NYT Prints Op-Ed 'Daring to Complain About Obamacare'; Leftist Wrath E

November 11th, 2013 5:03 PM
UPDATE: James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal "wonder(s) if the Times intended the article's publication as a joke at ObamaCare critics' expense." Seems like it takes too many direct shots at uncompassionate liberals for that to be the case, but readers can decide for themselves. The guess here is that the folks at the New York Times who screen op-ed submissions for adherence to leftist…

Media Matters: 'Uh, Uh, No,' Hillary Didn't Help Start Us

October 3rd, 2007 8:47 PM
Cat fight on the left? On today's "Tucker," a "Media Matters" representative denied Hillary's claim that she "helped start" the organization. Welcome back, Tucker. Really. While Carlson was away, guest host David Shuster sullied Tucker's name-sake show with the tasteless "gotcha" game he sprang on Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), then compounded matters by leading a liberal love-in.Tucker's…