Paul Waldman: Obama Takes ‘The Long View’ on ISIS, Avoids 'Anger a

September 4th, 2014 9:04 PM
On Wednesday, American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman noted the rhetorical contrast between President Obama and Vice President Biden regarding ISIS. Essentially, Obama has sounded cool and detached, a la Miles Davis, whereas a revved-up Biden, in a Portsmouth, N.H. speech, worked up a sweat and fed off the energy of the audience in the manner of Bruce Springsteen. “You get a sense now,” wrote…

Paul Waldman: GOP Can’t Close Gender Gap As Long As Conservatives Ca

August 28th, 2014 5:17 PM
The Trotskyist-turned-conservative writer James Burnham said that where there’s no solution, there’s no problem. In a Thursday post, American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman analyzed what he considers one such situation: the Republican party’s ongoing shortfall with female voters. Waldman doesn’t see how the GOP can overcome both its ideas and its tone on women’s issues. He asserted that when…

Lefty Bloggers: Gripes About Presidential Vacations Are ‘Stupid’ a

August 16th, 2014 7:01 AM
This week, three of the most prominent liberal bloggers agreed that when it comes to criticizing presidents of either party about their vacations, people really need to, as one of the bloggers put it, “STFU.” Do they have a point, or should the appropriateness of presidential vacations be evaluated on a POTUS-by-POTUS basis? Check out their thoughts and comment if you’d like.

Lefty Blogger: GOP Opposition to Obama Isn’t Influenced By Anything

August 11th, 2014 2:39 PM
Give American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman credit for recognizing that not every congressional Republican has the same chief reason to obstruct President Obama’s agenda. Some of the GOPers, Waldman noted in a Wednesday post, are politically motivated, while others “genuinely believe that Obama is an evil Kenyan Marxist tyrant trying to destroy America.” Nonetheless, Waldman stated, both…

Blogger Paul Waldman: You Can’t Send In the Republican Clowns, Since

July 28th, 2014 6:29 AM
Conservatives, contended the American Prospect’s Paul Waldman on Thursday, can be highly entertaining, though usually not because they try to be. They’re more like Sideshow Bob repeatedly whacking himself in the face by stepping on one rake after another. In a post titled “How Did the GOP Turn Into Such a Bunch of Clowns?” Waldman wrote that Republicans’ central problem is that “they're…

Paul Waldman: ‘Cruel and Uncaring’ Right-Wingers Rejoiced as Appea

July 23rd, 2014 10:22 PM
What did conservative leaders and activists feel when they learned of the D.C. Circuit Court decision on Obamacare subsidies? Happiness? Relief? American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman seemed to have another word in mind: schadenfreude -- “satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.” In a Tuesday post, Waldman opined that, sure, righties were “excited” that the ruling was a…

Lefty Blogger: IRS Scandal Exists ‘Only in the Fevered Imaginations

July 17th, 2014 10:23 PM
According to American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman, movement conservatives live in a bubble, but in this case none of the cards therein say “Moops.” Rather, each carries the name of what righties (though usually not Waldman himself) consider one or another of the Obama administration’s scandals. In a Wednesday post, Waldman wrote that what he called “the IRS scandalette” is “an almost…

For American Prospect’s Waldman, Conservatives’ Anti-Obamacare Bel

July 12th, 2014 6:55 AM
Obamacare is succeeding, declared American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman on Thursday, and he predicts that ongoing development will bifurcate Republicans’ approaches to their 2014 congressional campaigns. Waldman thinks that purple-state GOP candidates will refrain from bashing the Affordable Care Act, but red-state candidates will discuss it in “apocalyptic terms” in order to agitate “voters […

Blogger: Liberals Dominate the Culture Because They Put Entertainment

July 6th, 2014 10:14 PM
Would right-wingers like a larger presence in mainstream news and entertainment media, or would they rather grumble about the MSM’s liberal bias while patronizing conservative media outlets? To American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman, it’s clear that the second is correct. Waldman’s peg for his Wednesday post was a National Review piece by editor and publisher Adam Bellow on the need for a…

Paul Waldman: GOP Base’s Anger, Perpetual Dissatisfaction Are ‘Inc

June 14th, 2014 4:01 PM
The term “permanent revolution” is usually associated with Marxism, but American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman believes that these days, it’s movement conservatives who are talkin’ about a permanent revolution, and that their ideal Republican pol is an “agent of chaos and destruction, or at least pretend[s] that's who he is.” In a Thursday post, Waldman quoted RealClearPolitics analyst Sean…

Paul Waldman: Right-Wingers Would Rather Whine Than Win

May 25th, 2014 7:41 AM
According to American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman, the typical conservative is a frustrated grouch for two reasons: 1) most Americans will never want a government as small as conservatives would prefer, and 2) since hyperideological righties refuse to settle for half a loaf, they've "resigned [themselves] to a lifetime of outright defeats, unsatisfying half-victories, and betrayals." From…

Washington Monthly Blogger: So-Called Constitutional Conservatives 'Ar

May 21st, 2014 6:33 AM
Piggybacking on Paul Waldman's "Who Do You Hate?" American Prospect post in which Waldman singled out Sarah Palin and Scott Walker for special scorn, another liberal blogger, the Washington Monthly's Ed Kilgore, reflected on the politicians ("usually, though not always, on the right side of the fence") who inspire in him "regular fear and loathing." One of Kilgore's choices is an entire group…

Pols Worth Hating: Scott Walker Is 'Really Sinister,' While 'Blitherin

May 17th, 2014 9:04 AM
When last seen in these parts, the American Prospect's Paul Waldman was forecasting that if Hillary Clinton runs for president, "[s]ome Tea Party congressman is going to indulge his fantasies about torturing and killing her." Waldman posted a somewhat more temperate item on Friday (titled Who Do You Hate?) in which he offered a few thoughts about why political activists loathe certain…

Paul Waldman Rant: If Hillary Runs, Can GOP Refrain From 'Fantasies Ab

May 14th, 2014 6:55 PM
Republicans, the American Prospect's Paul Waldman suggested Tuesday, are a bit like Spinal Tap's Nigel Tufnel inasmuch as they "can't seem to keep themselves from...turning the accusations up to eleven" on matters involving Hillary Clinton. Waldman discussed Karl Rove's recent "traumatic brain injury" comments about Hillary and then transitioned to the broader issues of GOPers' "infinite…