CBS Praises Aflac CEO for Shareholder Vote on Pay

April 30th, 2007 3:23 PM
Report criticizes executive pay packages, laments pending legislation wouldn't help.

NBC Concedes Iraq 'Civil War' Description Could 'Erode' Support, ABC

November 27th, 2006 8:12 PM
Twelve hours after the Today show repeatedly announced how NBC News had decided to call the situation in Iraq a “civil war,” as if that decision was major news itself, Monday's NBC Nightly News led with the term and conceded it could “erode” public support for the war. Meanwhile, CBS and ABC didn't go quite as far as CBS's Katie Couric referred to how Iraq “slips ever-closer to civil war” and ABC…

'Early Show' Previews Nagin's '60 Minutes' Gaffe; Note (Somewhat) Good

August 25th, 2006 3:36 PM
On Friday’s "Early Show," there were three stories worth noting here on NewsBusters. First, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews painted the ruling by the FDA allowing the morning after pill, known as Plan B, to be sold without a prescription in many cases as an election year ploy by the Bush Administration and as a victory for women’s groups at the expense of conservatives.

CBS Lets Government off the Hook in Florida 'Insurance Crisis

July 7th, 2006 1:12 PM
Subsidized flood insurance encourages building on hurricane-prone coasts, while consumers are shocked at private market prices.

Nine Months After Portending “Civil War” in Iraq, CBS's Schieffer

February 23rd, 2006 12:30 AM
Nine months ago, CBS anchor Bob Schieffer painted Iraq as spiraling into civil war. It didn't happen then, yet on Wednesday night Schieffer renewed his ominous forecast. But unlike in May, this time his ABC and NBC anchor colleagues expressed the same prospect. Back on May 19 of last year, Schieffer teased the CBS Evening News with this unique warning: "Good evening. I'm Bob Schieffer. It just…

CBS Features Hurricane Victim Who Blasts Bush Over Weak Response Compa

September 1st, 2005 7:45 PM
In the middle of a Thursday CBS Evening News story on the destruction in Slidell, Louisiana, across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, reporter Mark Strassmann showcased a distraught man “with a message for the President” who blasted Bush for how he responded in Iraq while not doing so for Louisiana. Anthony Nata charged: "You can go into Iraq and come in with big helicopters and set stuff up…

CBS finds fuel surcharges scandalous

August 16th, 2005 11:36 AM
Unlike last week's brief but welcome departure from biased coverage on gas prices, CBS's Early Show was back to form with its biased reporting today, this time with correspondent Mark Strassmann faulting businesses for factoring higher gas prices into the price of goods and services: "And as prices keep going up, more businesses want customers, want you, to pay fuel surcharges, as if paying for…