PBS Hurls Bad Fact Checks; Vote Concerns May Stir ‘Political Violence'

July 18th, 2024 9:47 PM

PBS’s biased coverage of Night Three of the Republican National Convention began even before the main event, on Wednesday evening’s PBS News Hour, aiming not only to fact-check the Republicans but even to suggest some Republican voting “misinformation” was dangerous. The tax-funded network’s first fact-check target was…reality TV star, Savannah Chrisley, who discussed her family’s…


After Disastrous Debate, PBS Reporter Parrots Team Biden's Happy Talk

June 28th, 2024 4:01 PM

Taxpayer-supported PBS kept its News Hour crew on deck for Thursday night’s first (and only?) Trump-Biden debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle, airing on CNN and simulcast on PBS. While other liberal networks were loaded with panic, PBS's White House reporter stuck to repeating the desperate campaign talking points. 


PBS Brings on Phony 'Nonpartisan' to Debunk Greg Gutfeld on 2024 Vote

June 24th, 2024 10:38 AM

The PBS News Hour went after Donald Trump and Fox host Greg Gutfeld for talking boldly about the 2024 election. They categorized it as "right-wing disinformation" and brought on a "nonpartisan" expert (ahem: leftist) who predicted there would be civil war in 2023 over elections. Oooops.

Portentous PBS Plugs NBC Reporter's Book on Scary TX Anti-CRT Movement

June 20th, 2024 10:24 PM

Monday’s PBS News Hour handed over a news segment to an ostensible ratings rival, NBC News and its reporter/podcaster Mike Hixenbaugh, who has a new book out with the portentous title They Came for the Schools -- One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms. Hixenbaugh and his onscreen NBC reporting counterpart Antonia Hylton have…


PBS: GOP Hurls ‘Baseless Accusations’ at Joe Biden As Dems Respect Law

June 16th, 2024 12:57 PM

Hunter Biden, son of the president, was found guilty by a Wilmington, Delaware jury Tuesday of three felonies related to a gun purchase he made in 2018 while under the influence of drugs. PBS NewsHour reporter Laura Barron-Lopez empathy-fueled story hailed President Joe Biden both as father figure and defender of the judicial process, while Trump "repeating baseless accusations…


NPR Treats Hunter's Verdict as Less Vital Than Alito, Secretly Taped

June 13th, 2024 7:57 AM

On taxpayer-funded National Public Radio, All Things Considered has an online listing of story order. Hunter Biden's verdict was #9! Guess what was #1: Sam Alito. “Secret audio raises new questions about Supreme Court Justice's impartiality.”


PBS Hosts Obama-Biden Lawyer To Warn Trump Will Prosecute Opponents!

June 8th, 2024 10:51 PM

Thursday evening’s PBS NewsHour warned of Trump persecuting his political opponents in a second term, and they pretended that no one is presently prosecuting his political opponents in their first term. Anchor Amna Nawaz dragged out the "without evidence" swagger.


PBS Can’t Decide on Biden Border Bluff: Better Than Trump or Hypocrisy

June 6th, 2024 10:46 PM

President Biden’s surprise executive order to limit (on paper, anyway) the number of migrants seeking asylum on the southern border led the PBS NewsHour on Tuesday, in a story and a following interview that alternately covered for President Biden (he’s no immigrant-hating Trump!) and chided Biden from the pro-open-borders left (though there is doubt among conservatives as to how tough…

NewsBusters Podcast: LOL! 'No Evidence' the Trump Trial Was Partisan

June 3rd, 2024 10:16 PM

Reporters might admit the Trump convictions are a "political gift" for the Democrats, but they still claim there's "no evidence" the prosecution was political -- and especially, that anyone could claim Biden and his administration were behind it. The networks strongly suppressed the painfully obvious notion that Democrats are prosecuting Trump to damage his re-election chances.

PBS Touts Focus Group of Two-Time Trump Voters Switching to Biden

June 2nd, 2024 7:07 PM

The PBS NewsHour quickly rounded up its semi-regular focus group of Republican voters one day after Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom on 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. They touted that six of nine in their collection of PBS-approved 2016 and 2020 Trump voters said that Trump’s conviction had made them less likely to vote Trump in 2024. Only one was…


CIVIL? PBS Cues Ex-Republican to Slam 'Far Right, Gun-Loving Kook'

June 2nd, 2024 6:10 AM

Taxpayer-funded PBS is just like CNN or MSNBC as it paints the Republicans as falling off a "far-right" cliff, while the Democrats have no "far left" extreme. The PBS NewsHour brought on disgruntled ex-Republican Joe Walsh to slam one primary challenger in Texas as a "far-right, gun-loving kook." So much for civility on PBS.


In One Segment, PBS Makes Alito an Insurrectionist and Trump Hitler

May 28th, 2024 9:51 AM

Before it compared Trump to Hitler, Thursday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour made the Justice Alito flag controversy an all-encompassing scandal. First the network’s Supreme Court expert Marcia Coyle discussed the Supreme Court’s decision to allow a Republican-drawn congressional district in South Carolina to stand, but segued into the controversy over two flags being flown over two of…

PBS: Alito, an Insurrectionist Opposed to Peaceful Transfer of Power?

May 22nd, 2024 4:13 PM

Taxpayer-funded PBS took another bite out of the Justice Alito flag controversy on Sunday’s edition of PBS News Weekend, interviewing New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, who made the front page with her scoop that the American flag briefly flew upside down outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021. Laura Barron-Lopez, perhaps the network’s most…

PBS NewsHour Touts Abortion as a Boon for Democrats as GOP Bumbles It

May 15th, 2024 7:51 PM

The PBS NewsHour on Monday attempted to bolster the struggling Biden re-election campaign by focusing on a purported Democratic issue, abortion, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in all 50 states. Reporter Laura Barron-Lopez presented Democrats on the move and Republicans on the defensive.