Kirsten Powers Rips Obama and His Administration For Its 'Strategy to

January 29th, 2013 11:32 AM
In a column which went up this morning, Fox News Political Analyst Kirsten Powers, whose political positions certainly lean left and is a self-described liberal, ripped into President Obama and his administration for what she correctly characterizes as their "strategy to delegitimize a news organization" -- hers. Her column is about far more than Obama's recent complaint to the New Republic's…

Kirsten Powers on Obama-Clinton 60 Minutes Interview: 'Something You'd

January 28th, 2013 5:49 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting all day, CBS's 60 Minutes on Sunday gave a gushing and fawning interview to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that should be an embarrassment to the network. On Fox News's America's Newsroom Monday, left-leaning contributor Kirsten Powers said of this fiasco, "It really was something you would expect from like the state-run media...60…

Kirsten Powers: ‘We Need to Hire Grown-ups to Cover the President

January 26th, 2013 1:00 PM
Despite her liberal beliefs, FNC commentator Kirsten Powers has really distinguished herself by her willingness to tell the truth about America's media elite which has moved from being a legion of skeptics into a team of cheerleaders during the presidency of Barack Obama. Earlier this week, Powers acknowledged the discomfort that many statists feel when confronted by conservative beliefs…

Kirsten Powers: Liberals Shun Opposing Views Because They're Used to C

January 23rd, 2013 10:53 PM
More and more, Fox News's left-leaning contributor Kirsten Powers is becoming a must-see analyst on the network. Appearing on The O'Reilly Factor Wednesday, Powers said, "I think liberals because they are so used to controlling all the media...when they hear things that don't jibe with what they want to hear, it's very disconcerting and unsettling" (video follows with transcript and…

Kirsten Powers: Obama Ignores Fox at News Conferences 'Because He Does

January 19th, 2013 4:01 PM
Fox News Watch host Jon Scott on Saturday asked his guests why President Obama typically ignores Fox News at his rare press conferences. Kirsten Powers smartly answered, "Because he doesn't want to be embarrassed" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

FNC's Powers Calls Out Pro-Obama Media Bias on Libya Attack and Prez R

September 29th, 2012 7:13 PM
On Saturday's Fox News Watch, as the panel discussed the media's lack of attention to revelations that the Obama administration knew that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya was a pre-planned terrorist attack in spite of dismissing the event as a protest that got out of hand, left-leaning FNC analyst Kirsten Powers declared that the media have had a "really disturbing lack of curiosity"…

Dear Media, Accurately Portraying Muslim Rage as Muslim Rage is Not Is

September 18th, 2012 9:39 PM
This week we learned what really gets the liberal media in a ... well ... rage.  It isn't the act of perpetrating violence upon the innocent.  No, it's calling out that rage for everyone to see.  In Liberal Land, words speak louder than actions. The media on the left side of the aisle took more umbrage with a Newsweek article titled, Muslim Rage, than they did with the incidents that…

FNC's Kirsten Powers Slams 'Utterly Insane' Media 'Obsession' With Att

September 13th, 2012 5:25 PM
Appearing on Fox News's America Live on Thursday, Daily Beast columnist and Democratic pundit Kirsten Powers ripped the liberal media for expressing more outrage over Mitt Romney's reaction to Tuesday's embassy attacks, than toward the attackers themselves: "I mean, it is just absolutely utterly insane the way that they have elevated this." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump…

Kirsten Powers: 'Complete and Utter Myth' That Illegal Aliens Receive

August 24th, 2012 7:10 PM
Illegal immigrants get little in the way of welfare or other taxpayer-funded largesse, according to Kirsten Powers. And she's adamant about it. The liberal columnist and Fox News contributor appeared on Geraldo Rivera's KABC radio show out of Los Angeles yesterday, at the same time Rivera invited GOP strategist George Ajjan. (audio clips after page break)

FNC's Powers Sees 'Glaring' Media 'Double Standard' on Biden Gaffes

August 19th, 2012 5:32 AM
On Saturday's Fox News Watch, as the group discussed the media's tepid attention to Vice President Joe Biden's "chains" gaffe, panel member and left-leaning FNC analyst Kirsten Powers asserted that "There is a glaring media standard, no question about it." After noting that there was a similar double standard in Biden and Sarah Palin's treatment during the 2008 campaign, Powers complained:

Cal Thomas: A Black President 'Can Divide Racially in This Country' an

August 18th, 2012 3:11 PM
Syndicated columnist Cal Thomas made a statement on Saturday's Fox News Watch that is guaranteed to raise a few eyebrows. "An African-American president can divide racially in this country - as I believe this one has done quite effectively - and he gets a free pass from the media" (video follows with transcript):

Liberal FNC Analyst Powers Calls Out Media Bias After Catholic Lawsuit

May 28th, 2012 5:14 PM
Appearing as a guest just past 9:30 a.m. on FNC's America's Newsroom on Monday, liberal FNC analyst Kirsten Powers, as already recounted by Mediaite, observed that "obviously, there's a bias behind" the broadcast networks giving so little attention to the lawsuit against the Obama administration that was recently filed by numerous Catholic institutions challenging the requirement that employers…

Kirsten Powers: Obama's Gay Marriage Flipflop 'Less Evolution and More

May 12th, 2012 7:06 PM
Liberal columnist Kirsten Powers on Saturday made an observation about Barack Obama's same-sex marriage flipflop that few media members would dare. During a Fox News Watch discussion about how differently the press handle the President's changes of heart versus Mitt Romney's, Powers observed, "This is less evolution and more intelligent design" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Liberal Pundit Powers Explains to Hannity Why Liberals Deploy Double S

March 6th, 2012 3:33 PM
The reason there's a double standard in the media when it comes to conservative versus liberal media personalities making offensive statements about women in politics, Kirsten Powers posited on last night's edition of "Hannity," is because attacking conservatives is a "proxy war" that aids liberal Democrats. The liberal writer appeared on the March 5 Fox News program to discuss her March 4…