Katie Couric

Editor’s Pick: RedState Nukes Couric for Meltdown Over Pentagon Press
Nick Arama with our friends at RedState took a blowtorch Sunday to longtime liberal journalist Katie Couric’s hissy fit last week over liberal legacy media outlets losing permanent office space at the Pentagon, noting saner corners of the internet weren’t falling for her “ridiculous hyperventilation.”

WashPost Seeks Journo Advice from Couric, Don Lemon, and Lyin' Brian!
Tuesday’s Washington Post revealed their angst for a second Trump term. Whatever can the media do now? All the media's horses failed to knock Trumpty Dumpty off the wall.

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Rehabilitation of Jimmy Carter
While the popular and successful Ronald Reagan and his legacy were denigrated by the media during his retirement, liberal journalists spent decades lavishing praise on Jimmy Carter.

WORST OF 2024: The Craziest Analysis Award
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Craziest Analysis Award.

Recalling Media Hostility for Bill Buckley & Conservative Movement
For decades, the liberal media establishment showed open hostility toward conservative powerhouse William F. Buckley, as well as for the broader conservative movement he helped launch.

They Can’t Cope, Media Still In Mourning After Trump Win
The following are even more epic meltdowns and doomsaying from leftist journalists and celebrities since Election Day.

Couric: Mace 'Just S****y' For Wanting Men Out Of Women's Restrooms
Wednesday was a rough day for former network evening show hosts. Former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams attributed Donald Trump’s win to “nihilism” and former CBS Evening News host Katie Couric claimed that rape survivor and GOP Rep. Nancy Mace is being “just shitty" to Rep.-elect Sarah McBride because Mace believes women’s restrooms are for actual women, not men who…

FLASHBACK 2006: The Media’s Massive Pre-Election Foley Feeding Frenzy
Eighteen years ago tonight, ABC News revealed that Florida Republican Congressman Mark Foley had sent lewd text messages to underage congressional pages. ABC, CBS and NBC spent a huge amount of airtime over the following weeks trumpeting the scandal, the idea being that Foley’s bad behavior could bring down Republicans all across the country.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Most Outrageous Olympic Outbursts
Conservative sports fans checking in on coverage of Team USA at these winter games might want to brace themselves for unexpected outbursts of liberal preaching from the reporters covering them.

The 2024 GOP Convention Is Still Happening. Here’s What to Expect
A review of coverage of past GOP conventions shows the establishment press consistently malign Republicans as an extremist, racist, sexist, mean-spirited mob that must be defeated at all costs.

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan
In the 20 years since his death, journalists have praised Ronald Reagan as a way to disparage today's conservatives. But a look at the record shows the media routinely derided both Reagan and his policies.

FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Championed ’06 Illegal Immigrant Protests
Eighteen years ago this week, the liberal networks donated their airwaves to the cause of protesters seeking to kill a bill which would have increased the federal government’s ability to enforce immigration laws, with fawning and emotionally-charged coverage of left-wing political marches — “people draping themselves in the American dream,” as one over-the-top morning host anchor enthused.
FLASHBACK: Media Seized on Elián Saga to Vilify Anti-Communists
24 years ago, gun-toting immigration officers snatched six-year-old Elian Gonzalez from his Miami home, in preparation to send him back to Cuba. Throughout the five-month saga, liberal journalists insisted there was nothing superior about living in the United States and slammed Florida's anti-communist Cuban community as a “banana republic.”

MRCTV's Mandelburg on OAN: Dancing in the White House, Woke NPR
MRCTV's Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Alison Steinberg of One America News Network discussed recent media topics, including Katie Couric's controversial comments on Trump's MAGA supporters and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's dance moves. They also highlighted NPR's new CEO's woke views. Lastly, they found the obsession over a football player liking a Donald Trump post unnecessary…