Julia Preston

NYT Panic: ‘Raw Fear’ as Minorities 'Bracing For a Long 4 Years’
November 10th, 2016 11:41 AM
Thursday’s New York Times was in panicky mode over President-elect Donald Trump, especially from an immigrant and minority perspective, with the paranoia on fully display in “Trump Win Has Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims Bracing For a Long 4 Years." This purported “news” story even recycled leftist Van Jones cries of “Whitelash” -- as if an African-American president didn’t actually win a second…

NYT: Wall-to-Wall Bias Over Trump, Illegals, and ‘Sanctuary Cities'
September 2nd, 2016 2:03 PM
Friday’s New York Times featured wall-to-wall scare-mongering over Donald Trump’s opposition to illegal immigration, and placed the perfectly respectable term “sanctuary cities” in scare quotes, as if was somehow out of bounds. Reporter Julia Preston, perhaps the paper’s worst offender when it comes to producing biased, pro-amnesty stories (and that's some stiff competition), struck twice in…

Tears at NY Times: Obama’s Imperial Immigration Act Fails at SCOTUS
June 24th, 2016 10:19 PM
Immigration is the issue where the New York Times' liberal slant is most obvious, and Friday's edition did not fail to provide it. The Supreme Court effectively doomed President Obama’s executive actions in 2014 to unilaterally shield some five million illegal immigrants from deportation, and the New York Times' front-page “news analysis," “Lines Drawn for November,” immediately pounced on what…

NYT Wages Amnesty Fight for Illegals Caught in 'Twilight Underground'
April 18th, 2016 9:50 AM
As the Supreme Court begins to debate whether President Obama's executive actions on immigration exceeded his authority, the New York Times lead National section story Sunday by Julia Preston, one of the paper’s most pro-amnesty reporters documented “A Family Anxiously Awaiting a Supreme Court Outcome – Justices Hold the Key To Immigration Mix.” Again, the Times skipped the clear formulation of “…

NYT Makes Trump's Blunt Immigration Talk a Front-Page Problem for GOP
August 19th, 2015 10:39 PM
No issue most exposes the liberal bias of the New York Times more than the matter of illegal immigrants (or as the paper prefers to call them, "undocumented immigrants"). The Times favors generous amnesty, and keeps pushing it both on its news pages and in opinion. A Wednesday Page One story by Trip Gabriel and Julia Preston tried to transform Donald Trump's blunt words on illegals into a problem…

NY Times Gives Massive Anti-Iran Protest In Times Square One Paragraph
July 24th, 2015 10:22 AM
The New York Times has repeatedly demonstrated that protesters they like are far more newsworthy than protesters they don’t like. The number of protesters doesn’t really matter at all. Five years ago, they reported a whole story on four (count them on one hand) illegal-alien protesters for amnesty. A few months later, they repeated it with a whole story on five protesters.
But on Wednesday,…

NYT: Opponents of Amnesty for 'Undocumented' Are Like Racist Granddad
March 30th, 2015 12:07 PM
Adam Davidson of National Public Radio lumped people who oppose illegal immigration with racists and homophobes (like his grandfather) in the New York Times magazine:
When I was growing up in the 1980s, I watched my grandfather -- my dad’s stepdad -- struggle with his own prejudice. He was a blue-collar World War II veteran who loved his family above all things and was constantly afraid for them…

NYT Applauds Imperial Obama Move Getting Illegals 'Out of the Shadows'
November 22nd, 2014 7:19 PM
Immigration is the issue where the New York Times' liberal slant is most obvious, and the paper's heavy coverage Friday and Saturday held true to form, after President Obama's prime-time Thursday announcement that he would bypass Congress and grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Obama even used the same "out of the shadows" phrase liberals -- and the Times -- use so often, while the…
New York Times Hypes 'Several Tens of Thousands of Immigrants' in DC R
April 11th, 2013 3:19 PM
The New York Times continued its push for immigration "reform" in Thursday's edition. The front of the National section included a page-width photo of "tens of thousands of immigrants, Latinos, union members, gay rights and other advocates" who rallied at the Capitol Wednesday.
Reporters Julia Preston and Ashley Parker, among the most slanted on the paper's staff, used even higher figures for…
NY Times Continues Propaganda Campaign on Amnesty for Illegal Immigran
March 15th, 2013 9:09 AM
The New York Times' long propaganda campaign supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants continued on the front of Thursday's National section, led by the paper's most slanted immigration reporter, Julia Preston -- "U.S. Citizens Join Illegal Immigrants In Pressing Lawmakers for Change."
Preston can hardly contain her enthusiasm for the movement, especially when she's discussing the "Dreamers…

Strange New Respect in NYTimes for GOP Pro-Immigration Reformer Sen. M
January 16th, 2013 4:03 PM
The New York Times continued to push its pet cause of immigration "reform," involving mass amnesty for illegals in the United States. In a twist, immigration reporter Julia Preston reported Tuesday on amnesty GOP-style, featuring the views of Fla. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio: "Rubio Pushes His Party On Immigration Changes."
Rubio's favorable coverage (his "star is rising rapidly in his party…

NYTimes Tries to Make News on Immigration 'Reform' in Sunday Front-Pag
January 15th, 2013 6:24 AM
Sunday's New York Times lead story on immigration by Julia Preston,"Obama Will Seek Citizenship path In One Fast Push," seemed a strange choice -- unless you remembered how the Times has long been pushing for immigration "reform" that would include amnesty for illegal immigrants and a path to citizenship.
Notice this is not breaking news; it's something "senior administration officials and…
Five Blasts of Bias from the New York Times in
December 27th, 2012 10:53 AM
2012 was another banner year for bias at the New York Times, from slanted coverage of campaign 2012, to bizarre displays of unfairness to conservatives. The Times also intensified its push for liberal legislation on issues dear to the heart of its readership, like fighting "climate change" and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Here are some of the worst bits of bias from the year that was. (There…
New York Times' Preston Ditches Balance to Identify With Illegal 'Drea
December 6th, 2012 4:00 PM
You know there's something afoot when the New York Times portrays former President George W. Bush as a fount of wisdom. Julia Preston, the paper's most slanted-immigration reporter, reported from D.C. on Wednesday, "Praising Immigrants, Bush Leads Conservative Appeal for G.O.P. to Soften Tone."
Preston, who is unabashedly pro-amnesty, doesn't actually name these "conservatives" supporting…