Jonathan Martin

‘THE GREAT TRAGEDY’: Regime Media Mourn Biden’s Legacy
As the sun sets on the Biden presidency, the Regime Media has turned their focus on his legacy. Across the dial, Sunday programming discussing his legacy turned mostly funereal.

NBC’s Welker Pretends Media Had No Role in Hiding Biden’s Decline
NBC’s Meet the Depressed attempted the impossible: discussing President Joe Biden’s mental decline without mentioning the media’s role in trying to hide what the American people saw with their very own eyes. It goes without saying that this effort failed miserably.

This Politico GENIUS Mocked the GOP 'Fantasy' Biden-Replacement Theory
Today's point-and-laugh bit on Conservative Twitter is remembering how Politico columnist Jonathan Martin proclaimed back in February that it was a cuckoo conspiracy theory that Biden would be replaced on the ticket.

Politico Pundit FLUNKS at Mocking Report on Harvard Boss's Plagiarism
Bonchie at RedState took up the curious case of Politico senior political columnist Jonathan Martin attempting to mock anyone for caring about the Washington Free Beacon's latest story on the plagiarism allegations against Harvard president Claudine Gay. Journalism is apparently stupid when practiced against the Left.

Martin: No Biden Adviser Would Tell Him He Needs a New Hunter Strategy
On NBC's Meet the Press, New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin said "find me the Biden White House adviser who's going to go to the boss and say, "We need a new strategy about your son." NBC White House reporter Kelly O'Donnell said "There's isn't one." Martin added, "They’re not going to have that conversation."

Politico's Martin: Joe Biden Doesn't Have the Capacity to Campaign!
On ABC on Sunday, Politico's Jonathan Martin announced it was "imperative" that Joe Biden talk third-party opponents out of running against him. On Monday, Martin warned "Biden will not be able to govern and campaign in the manner of previous incumbents. He simply does not have the capacity to do it, and his staff doesn’t trust him to even try, as they make clear by blocking him from…

J-MART: ‘Imperative’ Biden Talk 3rd Party Candidates Out of Running
The Acela Media have gone into howling conniptions over the idea that U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) might run for president in 2024. The latest instance of such howling comes via Politico’s Jonathan Martin who, on ABC’s This Week, fretted over a potential GOP takeover of the Senate as a result of Manchin’s retirement, before saying that it is “imperative” that President Biden talk…

Jonathan Martin: Biden an ‘Emergency, Break Glass Candidate’
On Monday’s Morning Joe, Politico’s Jonathan Martin joined host Jonathan Lemire to discuss the latter’s latest piece which detailed the real struggle Biden would have to win an election.
The two Jonathans shockingly did not toe the party line and said that many voters, even some Democrats, did not want to vote for Biden or have him run again. The segment in an implicit way…

CBS Fawns Over Book From NYT Reporters, Skirts Dirt on Democrats
As part of their weeks-long media tour promoting their book This Shall Not Pass, New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns joined Monday’s CBS Mornings and, as predicted, almost the entirety of their eight-minute-plus segment was devoted to trashing the Republican Party and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) while all but ignoring attempts by the authors to…

Biden Is Reportedly a HUGE Fan of This Insufferable Cable News Show
In one of the least shocking headlines you’ll see, Politico reported Tuesday that President Biden “regularly watches some [cable news] shows” with MSNBC’s Morning Joe not only being his favorite, but so much that he’s “spoken privately on occasion” with co-hosts and married couple Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. And, as per the book This Will Not Pass from…

NYT Insults ‘Far Right’ GOP, Whines Gov. DeSantis ‘Weaponized' CBS Hit
New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin carried unconcealed contempt for the Republican Party to his story in Saturday’s edition (coauthored with Nicholas Fandos): “A Defeated Trump Creates a State of Confusion Among G.O.P. Leaders.”
NYT: GA GOP Motivating ‘White Conservatives….Who Harbor Racist Views'
A “Political Memo” filed by New York Times political reporters Jonathan Martin and Astead W. Herndon slurred Trump voters as racists for focusing on radical Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock, the latest attempt by the paper to push the Democrats to victory in the vital Senate runoffs coming up in January: “Spotlighting a Black candidate and linking him to the state’s most…

NY Times or Angry Internet Troll? Hits ‘Facts Optional’ GOP Convention
On the first night of the Republican National Convention, the New York Times immediately tried to poison the well for the Republicans launch of the 2020 campaign, under the headline “Nominating Trump, Republicans Rewrite His Record.” Meanwhile, the paper helped Biden rewrite his own legislative history regarding the 1994 crime bill.

Nasty NYT: Racist McCloskeys 'Threatened Peaceful Protesters’?
The Republican National Convention launched last night, and the New York Times launched its contemptuous coverage with Trump-hostile White House correspondent Peter Baker setting the table on Monday’s front page: “As Woes Grow, President Aims To Shift Story.” Baker told a whopper about the now famous McCloskey couple of St. Louis, supposedly “brandishing guns at peaceful Black Lives…