Jeanne Moos

CNN Highlights Pro-Hillary Ad With 'Worst Political Song Ever'
December 8th, 2014 6:12 PM
On Monday's CNN Newsroom, Jeanne Moos zeroed in on the largely-negative response to a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC's music video-style ad, which features a country music song about the former First Lady. Moos wasted little time before reporting that "at least one website warns, 'This pro-Hillary cowboy anthem will make your ears bleed.'"
CNN's Costello Takes Exception to Reporter's Joke About ObamaCare Webs
November 27th, 2013 4:09 PM
As NewsBusters has reported, CNN's Carol Costello is very defensive about ObamaCare.
On Wednesday, she took exception to a pre-Thanksgiving Day joke special correspondent Jeanne Moos made about being a turkey (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

MSNBC Replays Rubio Water Sip 155 Times in One Day, Far More Than CNN
February 15th, 2013 3:49 PM
The liberal hosts on MSNBC just couldn't get enough of watching U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio reach for a glass of water and take a sip during his rebuttal of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, airing the snippet a staggering 155 times during the Wednesday broadcast schedule, according to a tally by the Daily Caller.
Other cable news networks showed the footage far less often. CNN…

NBC Nightly News Reports Bachmann's John Wayne Gaffe, Ignores Obama's
June 27th, 2011 10:42 PM
Like dutiful White House shills, the "NBC Nightly News" Monday reported Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann mistaking the Iowa town where actor John Wayne was born.
Hypocritically, NBC News has still not informed viewers of President Obama's horrible error last Thursday when he said he had awarded a Medal of Honor in person to a living soldier who actually had been killed in…
CNN's Moos: Booing Scouts Weren't 'Courteous and Kind' to President Ob
August 10th, 2010 7:48 PM
On Tuesday's American Morning, CNN's Jeanne Moos picked up on the viral video of Boy Scouts booing President Obama's taped message to the recent National Jamboree, but got in a light jab at the youth for their behavior: "Booing would seem to go against some of the 12 tenets of Boy Scout Law. A Boy Scout is 'trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind'- wait a minute, 'courteous and…
CNN Mocks Obama Golfing During Oil Spill: 'Just Plug the Darn Hole Mr
June 23rd, 2010 4:45 PM
CNN on Tuesday actually noticed the absurdity of folks bashing BP CEO Tony Hayward for yachting on the same day President Obama was golfing.National correspondent Jeanne Moos surprisingly began her "American Morning" piece, "It's the yachting versus golf smack down, round one."After showing average Americans complaining about Hayward's R&R, Moos quipped, "But before you could spell BP CEO,…
While Networks Ignore Obama Golf Outing, CNN Humorist Gets Story Right
June 22nd, 2010 12:20 PM
CNN correspondent Jeanne Moos has a penchant for quirky, off-beat reporting, but what happens when the eccentric newswoman gives a more accurate picture of important events than the serious journalists?While media outlets relentlessly denounced BP CEO Tony Hayward for taking Saturday off to participate in a yacht race, they mostly glossed over or completely ignored President Barack Obama's…
CNN's Jeanne Moos Highlights 'Liberal Hate' at Joe Lieberman
December 16th, 2009 6:54 PM
On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN correspondent Jeanne Moos exposed some of the left-wing rage being directed at Senator Joe Lieberman, especially on the Internet. Moos’s examples of “liberal hate” at the Connecticut politician ranged from fantasy Hanukkah gifts, such as a muzzle, to a YouTube video of a woman having her cats attack a string which stood in for the senator [Moos's full report is…
'Why So Serious?' CNN's Moos Focuses on Left-Wing Reaction to Obama/Jo
August 4th, 2009 8:11 PM
CNN correspondent Jeanne Moos devoted an entire segment to the viral Obama as the Joker image on Tuesday’s Situation Room, and zeroed in on man-on-the-street reactions to it, all of whom expressed leftist horror at the picture. Moos herself suggested that “maybe it’s time to give the Joker joke a rest.” and Noel Sheppard's initial post about the posters made a brief appearance…
CNN Corrects Its Pathetic 'Bush Snubbed By World Leaders' Story
November 22nd, 2008 2:45 PM
CNN has corrected a bogus story the network's Rick Sanchez pathetically aired Wednesday about leaders at last Saturday's G20 meeting snubbing President Bush as if he had "cooties."For those that missed it, Sanchez played a video (embedded below the fold) of Bush seemingly being ignored by most of the leaders of the free world as they lined up to take a group picture:I want you to look at this…
CNN Reveals Sarah Palin Fantasies
November 19th, 2008 7:39 AM
CNN, the most trusted name in - doodling?In a showcase piece of just how far the network has sunk journalistically speaking, they have produced a segment that could only be described as childishly one-sided. The title of the piece - Palin Fantasies Revealed in Doodles.The reality is that the analysis of these doodles reveals more about CNN's fantasies than anything else. It is a piece so laden…
CNN Critiques Palin's Phonetics While King Fumbles 'Misogynistic
September 6th, 2008 6:33 PM
Cross Posted at Since Sarah Palin was tapped as John McCain’s running mate, everything from her family to her hair to her glasses has been scrutinized. Today, CNN targeted her phonetics. The network pointed out the word “nuclear” was spelled phonetically as “new-clear” in the text of her convention speech. While a camera shot caught the text of Palin’s speech in the prompter, CNN…
CNN’s Liberal Talking Heads Caught Dancing to Dems’ Music
August 26th, 2008 11:30 PM
No, it’s not what you might think. We know that CNN’s Roland Martin "dances" to a liberal tune, but the cameras caught him grooving to the music at the Democratic convention, along with CNN frequent contributors (and Democratic strategists) Paul Begala and Donna Brazille, as featured in a report by correspondent Jeanne Moos on Tuesday’s The Situation Room (video at right).The CNN camera crews…