Bozell Column: 'Playboy Club' Collapses

October 8th, 2011 8:31 AM
NBC president Robert Greenblatt was really committed to the new drama “The Playboy Club” just weeks ago. “What it has going for it is a recognizable brand that's automatically going to draw attention to it, good or bad," he said. "It's the right kind of thing for us to try." They tried it. Three episodes later, NBC made it the first canceled series of the season. Trains have rarely wrecked as…

All Left: NPR Publicizes Gay-Bert-and-Ernie Petition Lightly With Joke

August 13th, 2011 10:02 PM
Openly lesbian NPR arts reporter Neda Ulaby was given the assignment of making light news out of the gay-activism petition to get the Muppet characters Ernie and Bert married on "Sesame Street" on Friday night's All Things Considered. Her only sources for comment were a lesbian comedian and a liberal Time magazine TV critic. She did not interview the petition's author Lair Scott, who…

Time Magazine's Heroes: Stewart, Colbert 'Want to Restore Reason to Pu

October 30th, 2010 9:09 AM
One of the biggest liberal-media promoters of the Jon Stewart-Stephen Colbert rally is Time TV writer James Poniewozik. His piece in the Time magazine leading up to the event was syrupy (starting with the heroic artwork).  The headline was “Can These Guys Be Serious? Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert want to restore reason to public life.” Time highlighted this sentence: "The rally is based on…

Liberal Journos Use End of '24' to Claim 'Torture,' Liken Intelligence

March 29th, 2010 1:22 PM
With the recently announced end of Fox's hit series "24," many liberal pundits are parading the show as a false depiction of the notion that "torture works." Contrary to their accusations, the Jack Bauer interrogation methods bear exactly zero resemblance to any actual interrogation techniques used by American military, law enforcement, or intelligence agents."On '24,' torture saves lives," the…

Time TV Critic Overreacts to Brit Hume: 'Get Off the Cross

January 7th, 2010 10:51 PM

Time's Media Writer Argues Media's Dominated by a 'Moderate Bias

November 8th, 2009 5:53 PM

Time TV Writer (and Obama Voter) Scorns MSNBC for 'Blatantly Triumphal

January 16th, 2009 2:32 PM
Time TV writer and blogger James Poniewozik raised eyebrows when he reported that although he voted for Barack Obama, MSNBC's gleeful Obama coverage makes him sympathetic to Americans whose legs are not so thrilled. He disdained their "blatantly triumphalist" promos as worse than Fox News, and suggested MSNBC is wildly inconsistent for first suggesting that Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann aren…

Time: McCain Mocking Obama's Celebrity Is 'Unpatriotic' -- Like Al-Qae

August 17th, 2008 7:47 AM

Time Laments Katie Couric's Exit, Mourns TV Reign of 'White Dudes

April 25th, 2008 8:42 AM