Eduardo Porter

WashPost Editorial Board Member on Bidenomics: ‘Made So Much Sense’
January 2nd, 2025 11:10 AM
As America heads into the final days of the lame duck administration under President Joe Biden, there are still clueless members of the media trying to sell the clownish concept of Bidenomics to the public as if the 2024 elections were still in full swing.

NY Times Reporter Blames Racism 'Freaked-Out Whites' for No Safety Net
March 17th, 2020 8:10 AM
Eduardo Porter, economics reporter for the New York Times, equated the United States’ lack of his preferred European-style levels of “safety net” taxes and welfare spending to racism in his Sunday Review piece: “Why America Will Never Get Medicare for All.” The text box was blunter: “Racism explains why the country lacks the safety net its citizens deserve.” It’s adapted from his new book “…

NYT’s Porter: GOP , Kentucky Reform ‘Will Let Some Americans Die’
January 17th, 2018 11:41 AM
Will MAGA murder poor Kentuckians? That was the thrust of Wednesday’s column by Eduardo Porter, liberal New York Times reporter turned leftist economics columnist, “Path Forward In Kentucky (But Don’t Get Sick).” Under the harmless headline, Porter didn’t hedge his contempt for the cost-cutting, bringing in President Trump’s trademark slogan to smear fiscal conservatives as killers for favoring…

NYT Blames Racism for Appalling Tax Aversion; GOP Shreds Safety Net
November 16th, 2017 2:50 PM
Liberal New York Times economics reporter turned leftist economics columnist Eduardo Porter is appalled that Americans refuse to go along with confiscatory tax rates like the rest of the civilized world, and suggested racism is part of the problem, in Wednesday’s “Considering the True Cost Of Keeping Taxes Lower” on the front of the Business Day section. And reporter Alan Rappeport continued his…

NYT’s Porter: ‘Authoritarian’ Trump Win May Put USA on Venezuela Path
January 4th, 2017 12:17 PM
Is the United States doomed to become the latest global victim of a dangerous strongman, a la Venezuela under Hugo Chavez? That's what economics reporter turned left-wing columnist Eduardo Porter thinks in Wednesday’s New York Times: “How Dysfunction Threatens U.S. Democracy.” What led to this dramatic conclusion? Trump’s election. Porter made a rare Times admission of the “authoritarian” nature…

NYT Columnist Complains About Clinton Plan to Tax ‘Only $1.1 Trillion’
June 15th, 2016 4:46 PM
For one New York Times columnist, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hasn’t been revolutionary enough in her economic policies. Times columnist Eduardo Porter complained that Clinton’s economic plan, which included “only $1.1 trillion” in new tax hikes and $275 million in infrastructure spending, was just a “careful collection of tweaks and prods.”

NYT Writer: ‘Government Must Play a Role Again in Job Creation’
May 12th, 2016 3:35 PM
In an analysis for the front page of Wednesday’s New York Times business section, Eduardo Porter trumpeted that the real issue ailing the American economy and impeding on its improvement is the lack of mass government jobs programs similar to its “large and underappreciated role in reshaping” the country during the 19th and 20th centuries.

'America’s Best Days May Be Behind It' Declares NYTimes Reporter
January 21st, 2016 6:42 PM
You could have set your watch to it. When a leftist local, gubernatorial or presidential regime enters its final year after demonstrating its corruption, incompetence and inexcusable disrespect for law and procedure to that point, someone in the press will directly or indirectly excuse them by saying that the entity that person is running is "ungovernable," or that "its best days are behind it…

New York Times Perpetuates the Social Security 'Trust Fund' Myth
December 28th, 2015 11:52 PM
After serving as the virtual mouthpiece for the "there is no crisis!" crowd for at least a decade since George W. Bush's attempt to partially privatize Social Security in 2005, someone at the New York Times has finally recognized that there is one — but still won't level with readers about the system's true condition.
Eduardo Porter "writes the Economic Scene column" for the Times. Before that…

NYTimes's Porter Wishes U.S. Govt. Would Cook Up Euro-style VAT Tax
May 29th, 2013 5:15 PM
In January my colleague Clay Waters noted how New York Times economics reporter Eduardo Porter called for Americans to pony up more in taxes in a piece headlined, "A Tax Bite Tailored To Help All." Porter is back at it again today in a Business Day section front-pager headlined, "The Trouble With Taxing Corporations."
"We have a tax problem; we are not collecting enough tax revenue -- period…

NYT's Eduardo Porter Finds Ideal 'Model' for Reducing Pollution: The G
March 21st, 2013 2:20 PM
New York Times economics reporter turned liberal columnist Eduardo Porter really buried the lead in his latest column, "A Model For Reducing Emissions." And what is that model, exactly? The recession!
Who would have thought the United States would one day be a leader in cutting greenhouse gas emissions?

New York Times' Eduardo Porter: Raise Taxes on Everyone
January 24th, 2013 8:16 AM
Raise taxes on everyone. Eduardo Porter, business columnist for the New York Times, previously covered economics as a reporter but now uses his perch to display his mistrust of free markets in favor of government, most recently in his call for socializing health care, pensions, and education. His latest entry is a call for higher taxes on everyone, not just the affluent, in the name of funding…
Former NY Times Economics Reporter Mistrusts Free Market: 'Health Care
January 9th, 2013 4:34 PM
Can you imagine a columnist writing "Grocery Stores and Profits, a Poor Mix?" Eduardo Porter's "Economic Scene" column for Wednesday's New York Times Business Day was similarly titled: "Health Care And Profits, A Poor Mix."
Porter, who previously covered economics as a reporter for the paper, showed his mistrust of the market to provide vital services like adequate health care and pensions,…

Economics Reporter Turned NYT Columnist Touts Basketcase Italy as High
August 16th, 2012 9:32 AM
Eduardo Porter's column on the front of Wednesday's Business section of the New York Times explained how "America's Aversion To Taxes" was dooming the country, and urged Americans to be more like the overly regulated, bankrupt financial basket-case Italy, which enjoys confiscatory taxes and "the benefits of public health care," and a "more generous social safety net."