Diane Rehm

NPR's Diane Rehm Nurtures Hour of Talk Asking Is Trump Mentally Ill?
August 19th, 2016 9:32 PM
NPR loves to imagine itself as an oasis of civility compared to nasty commercial talk radio. NPR host Diane Rehm has written haughty op-eds about how Rush Limbaugh et al are a blight on the radio. But wondering if Donald Trump is mentally ill? Apparently, that's civil and educational.
Rehm launched an hour-long discussion of Trump's dysfunctional mental state based on a Tuesday New York Times…

WashPost Gush: 'Public Radio Icon' to Lobby for 'The Good Death'
January 28th, 2016 2:15 PM
The Washington Post is puffing leftist NPR host Diane Rehm again in Thursday’s paper. Online, the headline was “Diane Rehm’s next act: Using her famed voice to fight for the good death.” That’s a clever spin for assisted suicide. “The public radio icon will step away from the mic to champion the right to die, the subject of a new memoir.”
As usual for “public radio icons,” Post reporter Karen…

On NPR, NYT Reporter Trash Talks for Hillary: 'Bernie Has Zero Chance'
November 13th, 2015 11:03 PM
On a journalists’ roundtable on Friday’s Diane Rehm Show on National Public Radio, as they discussed Saturday’s Democratic debate, New York Times reporter Gardiner Harris broke out the trash talk, that Bernie Sanders will never, ever win:
HARRIS: Bernie has zero chance here, Diane. I'm sorry. He may have a chance in Iowa and in New Hampshire, because he does well among white liberals. He does…

NPR Host, O'Malley Pretend There's One Anti-Planned Parenthood Video
September 17th, 2015 10:03 PM
NPR generously donated an hour-long interview on Wednesday on The Diane Rehm Show to former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley. (Rehm also gave an hour to former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb in July.) Both Democrats are in Pataki territory in the polls for the Democratic presidential nomination.
The strangest part came when Rehm turned to the Republican desire to discontinue federal funding of Planned…

Diane Rehm Assumes Sanders Has Dual Citizenship — Based on Facebook
June 10th, 2015 10:58 PM
Among the many tired, bogus complaints heard from the establishment press is the one about how careful they are compared to the reckless knaves in the blogosphere and New Media. You see, they only use reliable sources, while bloggers will believe anything anyone writes or posts on the Internet.
Well, I suspect there are very few people in the blogosphere dumb enough to rely on a Facebook comment…

NB Win: NPR Host Diane Rehm 'Scales Back' Right-to-Die Fundraisers
March 11th, 2015 2:39 PM
It’s a NewsBusters win. On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported -- inside the Metro section on page B-3 -- that NPR and its Washington affiliate WAMU agreed with talk-show host Diane Rehm that she would stop being the star attraction at fundraising dinners for the leftist assisted-suicide lobbying group Compassion & Choices.
The Post account by Michael Rosenwald was only 524 words and…

NPR Ombud: Diane Rehm's Fundraisers for Activists 'A Step Too Far'
February 26th, 2015 10:12 AM
Elizabeth Jensen, hired by NPR as their new Ombudsman, picked up a question from NewsBusters on how NPR host Diane Rehm can do fundraisers for assisted-suicide lobbying group “Compassion & Choices.”
Jensen says she shouldn’t do this, that it’s a “step too far,” noting that NewsBusters picked up on the ethical issue.

NPR Star Diane Rehm Moonlighting As 'Right to Die' Fundraiser
February 15th, 2015 6:02 PM
Last July, we reported that NPR talk-show host Diane Rehm helped her husband John commit suicide by choosing not to eat or drink, then agitated for “right to die” laws in an NBC News story, where she suggested we euthanize “little animals,” so why not our family members?
Rehm’s crusade made the front page of Sunday’s Washington Post, under the headline “Rehm’s topic: Death with self-…

Chuck Todd Defends Obama Bitter-Clinger Talk: He's an 'Anthropologist'
November 12th, 2014 3:05 PM
Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, appeared on NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show on Tuesday November 11, to promote his new book "The Stranger: Barack Obama in the White House." During his appearance, the NBC host defended Obama’s 2008 speech in which then-candidate Obama claimed “bitter Americans” “cling to guns or religion.” Todd argued that Obama’s “just observing…

NPR Host Mocks Newt Gingrich In Hour on Catholic Family Synod
October 15th, 2014 8:22 AM
NPR talk show host Diane Rehm devoted an hour Monday to the synod on the family in the Catholic Church. Her three guests were all progressives. Rehm and fellow public-radio host Sister Maureen Fiedler (a radical leftist) both turned to mocking Republican politicians with multiple marriages, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani.
They did not bring up the case of former congressman Joseph Kennedy,…
Panetta: 'Nobody Bears the Fault' for Benghazi
October 14th, 2014 12:48 PM
Those who see Leon Panetta as a stalking horse for Hillary Clinton just got some more ammunition for their argument. Last week, Panetta helped distance Hillary from President Obama's foreign policy failures by blasting Obama for mistakes in Syria and Iraq.
But today, discussing the foreign policy issue on which Hillary is most vulnerable--Benghazi--Panetta suddenly became very forgiving. …

Justifying Subsidies: Obama Honors Liberal NPR Hosts With 'National Hu
July 30th, 2014 12:21 PM
Barack Obama knows how to honor his supporters. On Monday, he handed out arts and humanities medals at the White House. Among the medalists was Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg, a major financial backer of Obama’s presidential campaigns.
Obama and his National Endowment for the Humanities cronies also sought to add prestige to public radio by awarding Humanities Medals to public-radio…

WashPost Reporter Implies Obama Was 'Asleep at the Switch' on Border C
July 26th, 2014 7:57 PM
NPR talk show host Diane Rehm was probably panicking a bit on Friday as the liberal reporters roundtable seemed to agree that President Obama was “asleep at the switch” on the border-children crisis.
Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty underlined last Sunday’s Washington Post story (skipped by the networks) that Team Obama had plenty of warning that the crisis was coming:

NPR's Diane Rehm Show Reprises Time Magazine's 'Transgender Tipping Po
July 18th, 2014 10:08 PM
National Public Radio’s Diane Rehm Show devoted a unanimous hour on Monday to the transgender “struggle for civil rights.” The guests were three transgender advocates and Time magazine writer Katy Steinmetz, author of Time’s magazine's cover story on “The Transgender Tipping Point.”
Rehm asked Steinmetz hopefully about the alleged new frontier of civil rights: "Do you believe society is at…