
WRAP-UP: TV’s Negative, Lurid & Obsessive Coverage of Trump’s Trial

May 30th, 2024 10:32 AM

Unlike the jury in the courtroom, millions of citizens have seen the evidence only as depicted by the liberal news networks — an often skewed version that seemed more designed to embarrass and antagonize the Republican presidential candidate than to scrutinize the merits of the case against him.


Except For ABC, Regime Media Avoid Covering Stock Market Nosedive

May 24th, 2024 12:40 AM

The pro-Biden media, which gleefully trumpet so much as the slightest glimmer of positive economic news and cast it in a light most favorable to the reelection prospects of President Joe Biden, lost their collective tongues when it came time to report a grim day on Wall Street.


ABC, CBS Join The New York Times’ Recusal Op Against Justice Alito

May 22nd, 2024 11:37 PM

Tonight’s ABC and CBS evening newscasts aired reports in furtherance of the ongoing campaign to pressure a sitting Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Samuel Alito, into recusing himself from upcoming opinions that have a direct effect on the ongoing federal prosecutions against former President Donald Trump.


ABC’s Mary Bruce Smears Trump With Weird New ‘Antisemitic Trope’

May 9th, 2024 11:51 PM

In what appears to be a desperate attempt to shield President Joe Biden from the fallout of his decision to block munitions shipments to Israel, ABC Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce has crafted a strange new “antisemitic trope” with which to smear former President Donald Trump.


Networks Mourn Indefinite Postponement of Trump Classified Docs Trial

May 8th, 2024 12:22 AM

Across the dial, the network evening newscasts closed their coverage of the Trump business records trial in New York with coverage of another matter- the classified documents trial in Florida federal court. Specifically, a collective mourning over the fact that this trial won’t go before the 2024 presidential election.


REGIME MEDIA: ABC Keeps Pushing ‘Bloodbath Hoax’ In Trump Smear

May 3rd, 2024 12:24 AM

ABC World News Tonight, far and away the most fervent propagator of Biden talking points, farted out an embarrassment of a report that served little purpose other than to attempt to rekindle January 6th fearmongering and rehash the broadly-debunked “Bloodbath Hoax”.


STATE PROPAGANDA: ABC Wishcasts Abortion Driving A Biden Florida Win

April 24th, 2024 12:36 AM

Among the major broadcast network evening newscasts, ABC’s is often the likeliest to go into over-the-top campaign propaganda for Democrats holding power. Case in point, ABC Whirled News Tonight’s coverage of President Joe Biden’s Florida speech on abortion.


REGIME MEDIA: ABC Pushes Biden Propaganda in Pennsylvania

April 17th, 2024 11:14 PM

The Biden campaign benefitted from some premium apple-polishing via ABC Senior White House Correspondent Mary Bruce, who delivered a dispatch from Pennsylvania that seemed more appropriate in Pyongyang.


Network Newscasts POUNCE on AZ Abortion Ruling, Hopeful It Helps Biden

April 10th, 2024 1:41 PM

For lack of a better term, the evening network newscasts pounced- or seized, if you will, upon the Arizona Supreme Court ruling tossing out the state’s 15-week limit on abortion and putting in place the 1864 territorial statute which bans abortion in all instances except to protect the life of the mother. As you can imagine, the focus of all this collective seizing and pouncing was on the…


ABC Still Mad Over Documents Trial Despite Judge Ruling Against Trump

April 4th, 2024 11:33 PM

The Mar-a-Lago classified documents case continues to sore vex the folks over at ABC News. Judge Cannon’s ruling against former President Donald Trump’s arguments doesn’t appear to be enough. The mood is still…salty.


ABC News Is Most Displeased With Pace of Trump Documents Trial

April 4th, 2024 12:38 AM

The folks over at ABC World News Tonight appear to be vexed and frustrated with the pace of the Trump documents trial, and are beginning to voice their frustrations over it. Worse, they are echoing what seem to be Biden talking points in the process.


HOPE AND CHANGE: ABC Banks On Abortion To Flip Florida For Biden, Dems

April 3rd, 2024 12:22 AM

Florida’s Supreme Court rulings enabling both the heartbeat bill and the ballot question which would enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution has triggered a wave of media wishcasting, centered around the hope that abortion will lift President Joe Biden to victory in November, retaking the state for the Democrats. ABC News, as usual, has distinguished itself among the…


REGIME MEDIA: ABC Whirled News Tonight Gushes Over Record Dow Close

March 22nd, 2024 12:42 AM

They are what we thought they were. The regime media, in their zeal to act as Biden propagandists, maximize every opportunity to tout some sliver of positive economic news that might offset years of suck in the view of the American electorate. Such is the case with ABC’s irrationally exuberant coverage of the recent spate of record stock market highs.


ABC's WNT, NBC NN Punt on Covering Border Overrun at El Paso

March 21st, 2024 10:43 PM

We have often chronicled the national corporate media’s aversion to coverage of any story that would reflect poorly on the Biden administration; hence our occasional moniker “Regime Media”. One such story is today’s incident at the southern border in El Paso, Texas. National Guardsmen were overrun as hundreds of illegal migrants ripped the razor wire fence open and rushed through.