NewsBusters Podcast: George Clooney Flip-Flops on Declining Biden

July 10th, 2024 10:41 PM

Just weeks after headlining a lucrative Hollywood fundraiser for Joe Biden, movie star George Clooney wrote in The New York Times that Biden has got to go and let someone else "save democracy" from Donald Trump.

NPR's Folkenflik CHOKES on Comparison of Joe Scarborough to Hannity

July 9th, 2024 6:37 AM

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik came on Monday night's All Things Considered to talk about cable news, and it wasn't about Fox News, at least not directly. After Biden called in to Morning Joe, NPR had to contemplate that Scarborough is so deep into the Biden camp that it evokes parallels to -- oh, God forbid! -- Fox News. 


NPR Treats Hunter's Verdict as Less Vital Than Alito, Secretly Taped

June 13th, 2024 7:57 AM

On taxpayer-funded National Public Radio, All Things Considered has an online listing of story order. Hunter Biden's verdict was #9! Guess what was #1: Sam Alito. “Secret audio raises new questions about Supreme Court Justice's impartiality.”

Politico Media Critic: Fox News Coverage of Trump Trial's a 'Brownout'

May 19th, 2024 6:20 AM

Politico senior media writer Jack Shafer argued on Saturday that Fox’s coverage of the Trump trial in Manhattan exposed a propaganda network -- while CNN and MSNBC going into gavel-to-gavel overdrive does not?

Column: Leftist Reporters Pretend They're Not Partisan News Squashers

April 26th, 2024 6:01 AM

The pro-Biden “media reporters” are still upset this week about the National Enquirer and how they played “catch and kill” with Trump accusers, squelching stories that might embarrass Trump. They complain about a "partisan arm" of the Trump campaign, as if liberal outlets aren't partisan outlets that omit damaging stories for Democrats.

NPR Internal Critic SUSPENDED Without Pay for Going Public on Bias

April 16th, 2024 10:16 AM

In his latest company-man report, NPR media reporter David Folkenflik revealed that NPR senior editor Uri Berliner was suspended without pay for five days (beginning Friday) for deciding his years of internal advocacy for more fairness and balance in NPR's coverage had been fruitless, so he went public. 

New Lefty Spin: Aren't Paid Pundits 'More Trouble Than They're Worth'?

March 30th, 2024 11:07 PM

In the wake of NBC’s Ronna McDaniel debacle, “mainstream” media reporters have begun to argue that partisan pundits aren’t useful any more. We can’t ignore that this is a very useful spin if you want to prevent any more paid Republican contributors in this election cycle.


Rupert Rant: NPR’s Folkenflik Rips ‘Corrosive…Right-Wing’ Fox on PBS

September 24th, 2023 8:19 AM

The "public" broadcasting elite loathes Fox News. When news broke that 92-year-old media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Fox News founder and chairman of News Corp, is stepping down in favor of his son Lachlan, that encouraged tax-funded PBS to trot out Murdoch-bashing journalist David Folkenflik of tax-funded National Public Radio on Thursday evening to lament the chairman’s "corrosive" right-…

Fox-Hating NPR Reporter Calmly Promotes CNN Max Like a CNN Employee

August 27th, 2023 6:46 AM

The Fox News debate on Wednesday led inevitably to NPR media reporter David Folkenflik performing stories number 45 and 46 this year against Fox News. But on Friday night, his report on CNN Max sounded more like an advertisement than a news report. At NPR, CNN is just a "news organization," not a hyperpartisan and conspiratorial channel.

NPR's Top Fox-Hater Touts Effort: Murdoch's 'Unfit to Own TV Stations'

August 10th, 2023 5:35 PM

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik filed yet another of his anti-Fox News Channel pieces for Wednesday's Morning Edition. The headline? "A former Fox executive now argues Murdoch is unfit to own TV stations.": This means Folkfenlik has filed 44 anti-Fox News stories so far in 2023.


NPR Hates Fox: Media Reporter Airs Two Stories Touting Ray Epps Suit

July 16th, 2023 7:49 AM

While NPR couldn’t find time on its programs for a full story on the failed Secret Service investigation of cocaine found at the White House, it ran two Folkenflik stories publicizing January 6 protester Ray Epps suing Fox News for defamation. Five of his last seven reports are critical of Fox News.

BYE!! NPR Quits Twitter Over Twitter’s (Accurate) ‘Govt.-Funded’ Label

April 12th, 2023 1:45 PM

On Wednesday morning, taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) upped the ante in its hissy fit against the Elon Musk-owned Twitter as, in light of the fact that Twitter added the “state-affiliated media” label to NPR’s account and then tweaked it to say “government-funded media,” the far-left crackpots would be quitting the social media platform because Twitter was “falsely implying that we…

PBS, NPR Smear ‘Apocalyptic’ Criticism of Trump-Targeting DA Bragg

April 5th, 2023 3:15 PM

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik, who's been on an anti-Fox kick of late, went off on “right-wing media’s” “apocalyptic” coverage criticizing the legal case against Donald Trump and their attacks on Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg. Earlier, Trump and conservatives were baselessly accused on Friday’s PBS NewsHour of both racism (Bragg is black) and anti-Semitism (for…

NPR Commits Random Act of Journalism on ANOTHER Rolling Stone Scandal

March 21st, 2023 5:54 PM

The far-left National Public Radio (NPR) published a random act of journalism Tuesday as media reporter David Folkenflik took a pause from obsessing over Fox News to expose Rolling Stone and editor-in-chief Noah Shachtman for his role in purposefully omitting the fact that the FBI raided the home of ABC News producer James Gordon Meek because of his alleged possession of child…