ABC's Bill Weir and Guest Gush Over 'Beautiful' Obama Graphic, Tout Cl

April 5th, 2010 3:59 PM
Good Morning America's Bill Weir and Reuters editor Chrystia Freeland on Saturday gushed over Obama administration talking points on the new unemployment numbers. After Weir talked about a White House-created graphic showing job losses slowing, Freeland unselfconsciously rhapsodized, "Well, I was going to say, what I think that first tells you is that [presidential adviser David] Axelrod is a…

Financial Times Reporter: Is Next Year Too Soon to Address Deficit

February 3rd, 2010 2:22 PM
Only a liberal could imagine that addressing the federal deficit and creating jobs might be mutually exclusive. On MSNBC's Feb. 3 "Morning Joe," Chrystia Freeland of The Financial Times asked Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., whether she agreed with President Obama's stated intention of addressing the deficit next year. "Senator, we've also heard from the president that next year - in his budget…

Matthews Calls Palin A 'Troglodyte' For Not Buying Global Warming

December 10th, 2009 10:03 AM
Did you know that if you don't believe man is responsible for global warming you're a prehistoric cavedweller completely unaware of what's going on in the world?So said MSNBC's Chris Matthews during a discussion on Wednesday's "Hardball" when he referred to Sarah Palin and everybody else that doesn't agree with Nobel Laureate Al Gore's view of climate change as "troglodytes.""She`s got to be…

MSNBC’s Ratigan Wonders If Americans Should ‘Stop Whining

November 20th, 2009 2:50 PM
Citing a Democratic congressman who recently proposed a no whining day, on Friday’s Morning Meeting on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan asked: “...unemployment, health care, a couple of wars, Americans got plenty to be frustrated about these days...But some people say stop the whining....Is ‘shut up and deal’ the new American mantra?” Ratigan made that question the topic of discussion for the ‘Trend or…

FT's Freeland 'Comforted' Military's Devotion To 'Diversity' Endures

November 10th, 2009 8:12 AM

Bill Maher's Recovery Plan: Legalize Pot and Execute 'Two Random Rich

February 20th, 2009 11:52 PM

Freeland: No Waterboarding—Even To Save Planeloads of People

January 12th, 2009 9:00 AM
The exquisite moral sensibilities of the MSM . . . Would you waterboard an al Qaeda member for three minutes to get information to save the lives of nine passenger-loads of innocent civilians?  Chrystia Freeland wouldn't.  The US managing editor of the Financial Times made the stunning statement during the course of a classic Morning Joe dust-up today.  Joe Scarborough, with help from tag-team…

Scarborough Says NRA F-Rated Biden Will Reassure Gun Owners

August 28th, 2008 8:05 AM
 Update | 10: 30 AM:  Scarborough acknowledges Biden's 'F' rating.  At 8:36 AM EDT, Joe said that "a blog" had attacked him, noting Biden's 'F' rating from gun owners. View video here, which also contains Chuck Todd's statement that even Dems acknowledge Biden's speech "wasn't great."-------- Joe Scarborough and the rest of the Morning Joe crew actually had my sympathy this morning. Amidst all…

Shuster: Obama Lucky People Watched Phelps, Not Saddleback

August 18th, 2008 9:38 PM
Not that there was any doubt that McCain walked away the winner from Rick Warren's forum, but when David Shuster cracks that Obama was lucky not too many people were watching . . . Subbing for Chris Matthews on this evening's Hardball, Shuster kibitzed Saddleback with Dem Steve McMahon and Republican Todd Harris. Shuster made his surprising remark at segment end.DAVID SHUSTER: I think it also…

Reporter on Hardball: The 'Hard Right' is McCain's 'Biggest Problem

July 29th, 2008 10:12 PM
In the midst of a campaign in which conservatives fret John McCain is missing opportunities by staying to the left on too many issues, Chrystia Freeland, the U.S. Managing Editor of the Financial Times based in London, declared “extremely imprudent” the conservative desire for John McCain to make a commitment against raising taxes. On Tuesday's Hardball she saw the “hard right,” not politicians…

‘This Week’: Bill Clinton’s ‘Olympic-class Whining’ Is ‘Hu

January 20th, 2008 12:53 PM
A truly extraordinary thing happened Sunday morning on ABC's "This Week": the panel and the host seemed to agree that former President Bill Clinton's antics on the campaign trail are hurting Hillary's chances of winning the Democrat presidential nomination. Maybe even more surprising, the editor of the ultra-leftwing publication "The Nation," Katrina vanden Heuvel, quoted someone close to the…

Matthews Mocks Clinton Supporters: 'Castratos, Eunuch Chorus

December 17th, 2007 9:57 PM
Despite his war wounds, can Bob Kerrey still kick Chris Matthews' butt? We might soon find out, because on this evening's Hardball Matthews lumped Kerrey into a group of Clinton sycophants he derided as "castratos" and a "eunuch chorus."Chris was kvetching about the way a variety of Hillary Clinton supporters including Kerrey have lined up to take shots at Barack Obama. In endorsing Hillary…

Matthews: 'I Don't See a Whole Lot of Heart' From Rudy or Romney

November 26th, 2007 8:12 PM
Widows and orphans, beware: the Republicans are coming!That was the upshot of Chris Matthews's observation today about two Republican front-runners.View video here.Financial Times US Managing Editor Chrystia Freeland has become a "Hardball" regular of late. CHRYSTIA FREELAND: The other thing that people worry about is if someone forecloses on their home, and that's the issue we haven't really…