NYT's Charles Blow Rants: 'Rick Santorum Scares the Bejesus Out of Peo

February 28th, 2012 3:15 PM
According to liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow, "Rick Santorum scares the bejesus out of people" and could never be elected President. The journalist appeared on MSNBC, Tuesday, to dismiss the idea that the Republican could appeal to independents, should he get the nomination. Blow, who just last week made an ugly, anti-Mormon remark about Mitt Romney, did his best to portray…

NYT's Charles Blow Tells Mormon Romney to 'Stick That in Your Magic Un

February 24th, 2012 5:22 AM
In an apparent fit of rage against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow took to Twitter to tell him to "stick that in your magic underwear" for supporting the idea that society ought to concern itself with the large numbers of children born outside of wedlock. That sentiment apparently set off Blow who tweeted the following at 8:56pm ET…

'This Isn't a Theocracy,' NYTimes Editor Explains While Defending Obam

February 9th, 2012 7:05 AM
“Stop Compromising,” pleaded New York Times Editorial Page editor Andrew Rosenthal on his “Loyal Opposition” blog Wednesday morning. Rosenthal was aggrieved to hear Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod suggest the president was open to “compromise”on the administration’s plan requiring religious institutions to violate their beliefs and cover birth control in their employees’ health…

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Charles Blow Conflates Concern Over Bias W

January 30th, 2012 10:34 AM
Charles Blow Conflates Concern Over Liberal Bias With Newt's (Alleged) Racism “Romney dares not go there. Not Newt. He’s the street fighter with a history of poisonous politics who not only goes there but dwells there. He makes his nest among the thorns of open animus and coded language. Take the issue of media bias for instance: according to a September Pew Research Center poll, more than…

NYT's Charles Blow Conflates 'Hatemonger' Newt's Racism With Belief in

January 23rd, 2012 2:57 PM
Charles Blow’s Saturday column for the New York Times, “Newt’s Southern Strategy,” tastelessly conflated GOP candidate Newt Gingrich’s (imagined) racism with conservatives who believe the media have a liberal bias, while Blow called the former House Speaker a "vile, reptilian, hatemonger" on his Twitter feed.

LiveAction.org Calls Out NYT's Charles Blow For Now-Corrected Obvious

August 29th, 2011 9:31 PM
In his Friday column ("Failing Forward"), published in Saturday's print edition, the New York Times's Charles Blow really blew it in attempting to relay an abortion-related statistic from the abortion-supportive Alan Guttmacher Institute. Blow wrote (shown here) that "the unintended pregnancy rate has jumped 50 percent since 1994." The Times has since corrected the column to reflect what the…

Gwen Ifill's Overactive Imagination: Media Unfair to Obama on Race and

August 24th, 2011 7:27 AM
President Obama's vacation in Martha's Vineyard also became an occasion for a panel of liberal journalists, politicians, and academics to mourn his alleged mistreatment in the media at a race-and-the-media panel discussion organized by Harvard professor Charles Ogletree. PBS Washington Week anchor Gwen Ifill  lamented the overwhelming media bias against Obama in the Henry Louis Gates…

NYT's Blow: Every Time Bachmann Said 'As President of the United State

August 13th, 2011 11:42 AM
"I must confess that every time Representative Michele Bachmann uttered the phrase 'as president of the United States' during Thursday's Republican presidential debate I blacked out a little bit, so I'm sure that I missed some things." So actually began a piece by New York Times columnist Charles Blow Saturday:

Joe Scarborough Hammers His Crew: 'Name One Tough Vote' the Dems Have

July 14th, 2011 5:12 PM
Joe Scarborough took Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski to task Thursday over the ongoing debt negotiations. "[Republicans] already have given specifics on the Paul Ryan Medicare plan which was political suicide for a lot of Republicans. They took that hard vote. What hard vote have Democrats made on the debt over the past year? Name one. Name one vote" said Scarborough. [VIDEO BELOW THE…

Greta Van Susteren Schools NYT's Blow On Obamanomics: 'Track Record of

June 4th, 2011 6:41 PM
Fox News's Greta Van Susteren on Saturday took issue with New York Times columnist Charles Blow's recent piece "False Choice." In it, the perilously liberal commentator criticized Republicans for wanting to solve the nation's economic woes with a mixture of tax and spending cuts:

Bitter Blow, NYT Columnist, on the 'Callousness of Conservatives' with

May 23rd, 2011 1:43 PM
New York Times columnist Charles Blow has gotten more ill-humored about politics since the summer of 2009, when he happily opined that the GOP was  doomed in the Northeast (this was less than six months before a Republican won the "Ted Kennedy" Senate seat in Massachusetts, after which Blow was considerably less happy with that geographical quadrant). His Saturday column, "A Summer to Simmer…

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times's Double Standard on Conspi

April 26th, 2011 11:03 AM
Real estate mogul Donald Trump, acting like a presidential candidate, is garnering attention by latching on to the “birther” issue -- the discredited notion that President Obama was not born in Hawaii but in another country, thus making him ineligible for the presidency. The New York Times ran a poll April 22 that asked: “Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or was he born…

Charles Blow: Don't Allow Trump On TV To Express Birther Views

April 11th, 2011 7:51 AM
Donald Trump might be off base with his birther views. But does that mean he shouldn't be allowed on TV to express them?  Yes--according to Charles Blow of the New York Times. On Morning Joe today, Blow asserted that the MSM is wrong to give Trump air time on the birther issue because "we know that this is not true." View video after the jump.

NYT's Blow: Case for Civility Harmed by Those That Used Giffords Shoot

January 15th, 2011 10:13 AM
A week after the tragedy in Tucson, the Left is beginning to realize it made a dreadful mistake immediately trying to tie the event to conservatives. New York Times columnist Charles Blow summed it up marvelously Saturday: