Carl Quintanilla
NBC Fawns Over Gay Church in TN ‘Where the Views of All Are Welcome'
September 14th, 2015 6:13 PM
On Sunday, NBC Nightly News found it pertinent to run a puff piece on a liberal Tennessee church that fill-in weekend anchor Carl Quintanilla hyped as a place “where the views of all are welcome” and gay people are welcomed with the full benefits of membership (including baptisms and marriages).

Apple Gets Kid-Glove Treatment After CEO Emails CNBC's Jim Cramer
August 25th, 2015 1:01 PM
It doesn't seem likely that an oil company CEO would get the benefit of the doubt Apple CEO Tim Cook received from the press yesterday after he emailed well-known financial commentator and investment adviser Jim Cramer about his company's performance in China.
In an email read over the air on CNBC, Cook reported that "we have continued to experience strong growth for our business in China…
Panicked NBC: 'World Must Act Now' to 'Avert Disaster' of Climate Chan
April 14th, 2014 5:01 PM
Hyping the latest alarmist global warming study on Sunday's NBC Nightly News, fill-in anchor Carl Quintanilla proclaimed: "A new U.N. report out today warns the world must act now to address climate change to avert disaster." In the report that followed, correspondent Anne Thompson fretted: "The report says time is running out to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Melting ice sheets…

NBC: Shutdown That Ended Before Halloween May Be 'Grinch That Stole Ch
October 23rd, 2013 3:07 PM
After consistently blaming Republicans for the government shutdown, on Sunday's NBC Nightly News, fill-in anchor Carl Quintanilla warned that while the budget stalemate ended days earlier, "Many people who were furloughed or otherwise affected are still paying the price, and will do so for some time." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]
In the report that followed, CNBC…
Shameless: NBC Never Tells Viewers it Smeared Zimmerman with Doctored
June 20th, 2013 2:57 PM
How’s this for chutzpah: On the June 10 Today, did a segment on the difficult process of jury selection for the George Zimmerman trial, given the highly publicized racial issues surrounding the case. NBC’s Carl Quintanilla asked “Today” Legal Expert Lisa Bloom, “Has media coverage already influenced this jury?”
Yes it has, and NBC has more to answer for than most. For a full week in March,…

Matthews Touts His Obama-Loving Doc, Proclaims Media Will Be Watching
September 3rd, 2012 12:56 PM
Chris Matthews appeared on the Labor Day edition of the Today show to promote his fawning new documentary, Barack Obama: Making History. (The subtitle for MSNBC's special on Romney was much more restrained: "The Making of a Candidate.") The liberal host also insisted that, "from now on," the media will watch Paul Ryan for lies. [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
Today reporter Carl…