
While Hyping Electric Cars, Weir Compares Gas-Powered Cars To Horses

August 25th, 2022 3:17 PM

CNN climate correspondent Bill Weir joined Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom to applaud California’s new edict that will ban new gas-powered cars by 2035. Weir didn’t see what the big deal is considering horses used to be a primary mode of transportation.


Nets Refuse to Say Name of Terrorist Abortion Group ‘Jane’s Revenge'

June 23rd, 2022 8:05 AM

Over the last two months a wave of radical, pro-abortion terror has swept across the country, firebombings of pro-life organizations, intimidation of individuals, and destruction of property.  But you wouldn’t know the perpetrator if you watched ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC. They refuse to say the name of the group responsible: Jane’s Revenge. Shockingly, the liberal CNN is the only network to name…


'Code Red For Humanity,' CNN Warns of 'Planet-Cooking Pollution'

December 28th, 2021 12:54 PM

All throughout Sunday and Monday, CNN featured several top 10 year in reviews to recap the year's biggest stories. Climate correspondent Bill Weir was responsible for the climate edition as he warned that the world is "close to a point of no return" when it comes to the "code red for humanity" of "planet-cooking pollution."


CNN Hypes Suspect Climate Hysteria About Underwater Island Nations

November 11th, 2021 10:09 AM

On Tuesday, CNN twice promoted questionable claims that global warming is threatening to cause some island nations to flood out of existence as anchors Kate Bolduan and Rosemary Church hyped the foreign minister of Tuvalu recording a speech standing in knee-deep water.


CNN's Weir Hopes 'An Awful Lot of Greta Thunbergs' Scolding on Climate

November 1st, 2021 4:09 PM

From blaming politicians for storm damage, to lamenting economic growth, to blaming democracy for the lack of solutions, it was a busy Monday morning for CNN's resident climate alarmist Bill Weir as he commented on the COP26 summit in Glasgow.


CNN MELTDOWN: Climate Report Is 'Code Red for Humanity'

August 12th, 2021 9:25 AM

On Monday's New Day show, CNN hyped a recent report by the U.N., quoting its assertion that it is a "code red for humanity," and making dire predictions for the climate's future. Co-host John Berman and climate correspondent Bill Weir declared that it was necessary to demand changes in the use of fossil fuels to mitigate global warming.


Crazed CNN Hypes ‘Climate Kids’ Lawsuits to Save Earth

August 11th, 2021 10:47 AM

CNN climate guy Bill Weir joined At This Hour guest host Boris Sanchez to discuss the latest U.N. report calling climate change "code red for humanity." Weir sounded pessimistic about governments' willingness to do anything about it, but in an attempt to find some optimism hyped lawsuits by children amidst "the social license to go drilling for oil."


CNN Ponders 'Swearing Off Meat Completely' To Save Planet

July 24th, 2021 11:55 AM

CNN guest host of At This Hour, Dana Bash pondered on Friday if "'swearing off meat completely" is necessary to save the planet from climate change as she hyped a CNN Special Report that would be airing later Friday night on the future of food, hosted by Bill Weir.  


CNN Exploits Heat Wave to Spew Alarmist Climate Propaganda

July 10th, 2021 11:38 AM

On Thursday afternoon, CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera devoted a segment to pushing an alarmist view of the heat wave in the Pacific Northwest even though the high temperatures are not unprecedented. Bill Weir, the liberal news network's chief climate alarmist, portrayed the dire predictions of the past as too restrained as he joined in hyping the current extreme weather even though it…


As Pandemic Killed Millions, Callous Press Touted Environmental ‘Gift'

April 22nd, 2021 8:30 AM

Over the last year, the coronavirus has caused untold misery and destruction. Over three million people are dead. Families have been forever destroyed and businesses have been wrecked by a cruel and unrelenting virus. But that hasn’t stopped a stunningly tone deaf news media from lecturing Americans about the environmental “silver lining” and “gift” of Covid-19.

Sexist CNN Host: Female GOP Senator Married Her Way to American Dream

November 18th, 2020 5:30 PM

It must be nice to live in the hypocritical world of CNN hacks. After all, you can spew sexist misogyny and you don’t have to feel bad about it. That’s what Bill Weir did on Wednesday as he went after incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler. She tweeted this: “I’ve lived the American dream. I went from the farm to the Fortune 500. I want Georgians to have the same freedom &…


Sour Grapes CNN Hacks Attack Supreme Court for Not Ruling Their Way

October 27th, 2020 8:03 PM

Why does CNN only want judicial independence when it benefits the Democratic Party? On Tuesday morning's CNN Newsroom, co-hosts Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto edged their guests to trash the Supreme Court after ruling against the Wisconsin Democrats in a case regarding the absentee ballot deadline. Leading the way, Scuitto biasedly speculated: “When you have the Justices deciding in large party…


CNN's Bill Weir: Election an 'Obvious Choice' for 'Anyone That Cares'

October 23rd, 2020 3:19 PM

While CNN Newsroom tried to help Joe Biden's damage control efforts on fracking and the oil industries on Friday, climate correspondent Bill Weir took another approach, claiming that the choice between President Trump and Biden is an easy one for anyone who cares about things such as land and water.


Top 14: Celebrating the ‘Silver Linings’ of the Pandemic

May 20th, 2020 9:00 AM

The following are the Top 14 worst examples of liberal media types discovering the “bright spot” of the coronavirus crisis: