Ann Marimow

WashPost Reveals It Passed On Alito-Upside Down Flag Story In 2021
The conservative reaction to the freakout over Justice Samuel Alito’s flags has been to argue that this is a phony scandal ginned up by liberals and journalists (but we repeat ourselves) to delegitimize the Supreme Court. A Saturday report from the Washington Post appears to confirm those beliefs, as Justin Jouvenal and Ann Marimow reported that the Post passed on the story…

WashPost Offers Positive Story on 'Hero' That Foiled Leftist Shooter a
WSJ Omits Jackson Jr.'s Party Affiliation; NYTimes Leads With It, But

WaPo's Marimow Fails to Reveal 18-month Delay in Unsealing Rosen Warra

It Gets Worse: WashPost Reports Obama DOJ Also Spied on James Rosen of