
CNN: Conservatives Attack AOC Because She's 'Eloquent,' 'Latina'

March 31st, 2019 5:04 PM
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN's Nia-Malika Henderson claimed that the reason freshman New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is so often attacked by conservatives is because she is "incredibly charismatic," "a young Latina," and "incredibly eloquent." The CNN reporter named everything except the actual reason -- her self-identified "socialist" views were so…

CNN: Avenatti Found R. Kelly’s Underage Sex Tape, and We Watched It

February 14th, 2019 3:13 PM
On Thursday, CNN broke an incredibly startling claim by Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer of adult film star Stormy Daniels, who claimed to possess a tape of R&B singer R. Kelly engaging in sexual acts with an underage girl. Perhaps equally surprisingly CNN host Ana Cabrera claimed some at her network had watched the tape, though she offered no explanation as to how the network had access…

WATCH: CNN Repeatedly Silences Any Talk About Northam Abortion Scandal

February 4th, 2019 10:35 AM
Over the weekend, calls mounted for Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to resign over racist photos that were found in his medical school yearbook. Yet the Democrat’s controversial comments supporting a radical abortion law proposed by his party was swept under the rug by the media. CNN even went out of its way to silence any conservative guests who tried to bring up that story on their network this…

CNN Gives Transgender Activist Forum to Gripe Over New Military Policy

January 28th, 2019 11:30 AM
On Sunday evening, CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera provided a sympathetic forum to transgender activist and former Navy SEAL Kristin Beck to complain about a new policy by the Trump administration that puts restrictions on the recruitment of transgenders by the military for the future.

CNN Blows Gasket Over Trump’s ‘Inflammatory,’ ‘Scare-Mongering’ Speech

January 19th, 2019 6:56 PM
CNN Newsroom presented a predictable reaction to President Trump’s Saturday afternoon remarks that offered a compromise to Democrats on immigration and government shutdown, blasting Trump’s speech as “inflammatory” filled with “misinformation and scare-mongering tactics” trying to still make “Trump’s little racist wall” happen.

CNN Loves Idea of Trump as a Russian Agent

January 15th, 2019 4:40 PM
On Friday, the New York Times published an article revealing that the FBI opened a probe in 2017 to investigate whether President Donald Trump was acting as a Russian agent. CNN hosts spent more than three hours over the weekend brandishing the report as “devastating” news for Trump, but gave only a minuscule portion of the coverage included any reference to the disclosure by the Times that “no…

Stelter Cries Conservative 'Entertainment Wing' Has Too Much Influence

December 23rd, 2018 7:43 AM

On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera was joined by CNN's Brian Stelter to bemoan the fact that President Donald Trump reacted to criticism from conservatives by holding firm on border wall funding and rejecting a plan to delay a shutdown of the government. Stelter complained the conservative media's "entertainment wing, that's the Sean Hannitys of the world....have an enormous amount…


CNN: 'Drastic Changes' Needed to Stop Climate 'Catastrophe' in 12 Yrs

December 16th, 2018 1:55 PM
Appearing on Saturday's CNN Newsroom and again on New Day Sunday to discuss the international summit on global warming, CNN correspondent Nick Paton Walsh repeatedly fearmongered about the possibility of "catastrophe" in a decade if "drastic" changes are not taken to combat global warming.

CNN Frets EPA Head's Ties to Coal, 'Climate Change Denier' Inhofe

December 9th, 2018 9:50 PM
On Sunday evening, CNN Newsroom ran a full report in which correspondent Drew Griffin bemoaned EPA acting head Andrew Wheeler's efforts to cut regulations, as well his past ties to the coal industry and his work for Republican Senator James Inhofe, whom Griffin derided as a "climate change denier."

CNN Invents Race Issue by Misquoting Trump's Fears for 'Young Men'

October 16th, 2018 11:32 PM
On Sunday evening's CNN Newsroom, during a segment with liberal CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill, host Ana Cabrera wrongly claimed that President Donald Trump had lamented that it is a scary time for "white men" when in reality his actual quote did not mention race at all but referred to "young men."

CNN Lets Boxer Wrongly Claim Trump Wants to Jail Women for Abortion

September 30th, 2018 10:13 PM
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera did not bother to fact check former Senator Barbara Boxer when the far-left California Democrat wrongly claimed that President Donald Trump "wants to put women in jail" for having abortions.

FNC Highlights Killing of Anti-MS13 Activist at Daughter's Murder Site

September 17th, 2018 1:20 PM
Over the weekend, several Fox News Channel shows have repeatedly given attention to the awful tragedy that anti-MS13 activist Evelyn Rodriguez was struck and killed by an SUV at the site of her daughter's murder two years to the day after the death of her daughter. Rodriguez had been one of President Donald Trump's guests at this year's State of the Union speech, and the President tweeted out…

CNN Segment Complains Trump Is Fearmongering with Impeachment Talk

August 23rd, 2018 4:51 PM
So, to be clear, it’s fearmongering to talk about impeachment even though scores of lefties and their liberal media allies won’t stop talking about it? Got it, CNN. On Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, fill-in host Ana Cabrera and CNN conservatarian S.E. Cupp ruled that President Trump and personal attorney Rudy Giuliani are fearmongering by sounding the alarm about the President being impeached…

CNN, MSNBC Slam Ingraham Commentary as 'White Supremacist'

August 13th, 2018 5:12 PM
For much of the day on Friday and into the weekend, various hosts on both CNN and MSNBC were hard at work smearing Fox News host Laura Ingraham as someone who uses her show to promote "racist" and "white supremacist" views as they reacted to a commentary she gave on The Ingraham Angle show in which she advocated for merit-based immigration and lamented dramatic "massive demographic" changes.