
Joe Walsh: GOP Voters 'Want a Dictator' Who Won't Teach The Holocaust

January 27th, 2022 10:16 PM

On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Trumper-turned-Never Trumper Joe Walsh took the opportunity to portray himself as one of the good Republicans who is not like the other Republicans who allegedly want a dictator who will prohibit American children from learning about the Holocaust. Thursday was also International Holocaust Remembrance Day.


CNN Host Asks Guest Why Republicans 'Have a Soft Spot for Putin'

January 25th, 2022 5:26 PM

On CNN's Newsroom during their coverage of the ongoing border dispute between Russia and Ukraine, they quickly switched gears and slimed Fox News star Tucker Carlson and the entire Republican Party as having a "soft spot for Russia".


CNN: Who Cares If Biden Says 2022 Midterms Will Be Illegitimate?

January 21st, 2022 2:16 PM

President Biden might not need a communications staff after Thursday's installment of CNN Newsroom. The afternoon show went into full damage control mode in an attempt to clean up Biden's Wednesday remarks that cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2022 midterms even after Press Secretary Jen Psaki backtracked from Biden's initial remarks.


CNN Huffs Conservative Justices Skeptical of Vaccine Mandate Overreach

January 13th, 2022 3:59 PM

In a 6-3 decision along ideological lines, the Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate on employers with 100 or more employees through OSHA was unconstitutional (although a mixed 5-4 allowed the mandate on healthcare workers to proceed). This ruling ruffled the feathers of those live on CNN Newsroom when the story broke, growing prickly at the fact…


CNN Fact-Checker Dings 'Right-Wing' for Misinformation Sparked By ABC

January 12th, 2022 5:51 PM

On Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom, purported CNN “fact-checker” Daniel Dale was a little irked by some naughty “right-wing commentators” and “people on the right” for spreading misinformation around the internet about COVID-19 deaths and comorbidities. But the kicker is that the misinformation originally started with a piece of video poorly edited and aired by ABC News during last Friday’s…


WOW: CNN Forced to Admit Joe Biden's Crumbling Approval Ratings

December 15th, 2021 9:21 PM

You know Joe Biden’s approval ratings are bad when even leftist media outlets like CNN are talking about it. Eventually, the news gets bad enough and becomes so blatantly obvious that the media is guilted into reporting on stories that they would otherwise sweep under the rug.


CNN Hits Biden From The Left, Says No Plan to Protect Democracy

December 11th, 2021 10:24 AM

CNN Newsroom hosts Victor Blackwell and Alisyn Camerota, along with a panel of assorted guests, criticized President Biden from the left on Friday in the aftermath of his Summit for Democracy. They accused him of preaching democracy to the world while not doing enough to protect democracy at home.


CNN: Justice Roberts Is Anti-'Science’ on Mississippi Abortion Ban

December 1st, 2021 4:32 PM

The left-wing media likes to obnoxiously tout how pro-science they are on many issues yet they abandon science when it comes to gender and when an unborn baby becomes “human.”So it’s remarkable that CNN today, still tried to characterize the conservative pro-life view as the “anti-science” side.


CNN Host, Michael Cohen Joke About Throwing Trump Supporters in Jail

November 22nd, 2021 4:04 PM

CNN reminded the world on Monday afternoon that their intellectually lazy and poisonously partisan world exists far outside the bounds of reality as weekday afternoon CNN Newsroom co-host Alisyn Camerota found it worth spending 13 minutes and 16 seconds speaking with former Donald Trump lawyer and fix Michael Cohen to celebrate his release from house arrest. But worse yet, the pair…

CNN Newsroom with Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell

CNN Hosts, Guests Demand GOP Surrender on Raising the Debt Limit

September 17th, 2021 3:58 PM

The deadline is fast approaching for Congress to approve raising the debt ceiling, and the liberal media is astonished that Republicans will not simply go along with it. The increase, which needs Republican support to pass, is one requirement for the passage of the Biden administration’s exorbitant $3.5 trillion budget plan. Without increasing the debt ceiling, the US government cannot go into…


CNN's Camerota Laments Her PC Lifestyle Has Not Solved Climate Change

September 8th, 2021 7:52 AM

On Labor Day afternoon, CNN host Alisyn Camerota devoted a segment to allowing a CNN contributor and environmental alarmist, John Sutter, to blame the governnment and energy companies for an alleged "climate crisis," and call for regulating forcing an almost immediate end to fossil fuel use.


CNN on Fox: 'The Problem With All of This Is We Have Free Speech'

July 23rd, 2021 4:04 PM

On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Carl Cameron and host Alisyn Camerota, both a couple of former Fox News personalities, questioned the motives of their former employer's vaccine advocacy. Cameron was so disgusted with Fox and conservative media's vaccine coverage that he declared, "The problem with all of this is we have free speech and it doesn't entirely include lying."


Whiny CNN Hits Biden From the Left After Angry Voting Right Speech

July 13th, 2021 7:03 PM

Following President Biden’s speech on voting that was full of incendiary rhetoric, CNN decided Biden hadn’t gone far enough on Tuesday, accusing him of having brought “a butter knife to a fight against a nuclear bomb” even though he offered “a remarkably important message” that equated his adversaries to worse than Confederates where, if you support voter security measures, you endorse “the…


CNN Wet Blankets: Space Flights Are Selfish During a Climate Crisis

July 12th, 2021 5:04 PM

The wet blankets at CNN have come to find problems with the successful efforts by Richard Branson and others to go into space: It’s selfish in light of the “climate crisis.” Rather than celebrate the latest wonder of technology, Alisyn Camerota on Monday complained, “Billionaire Richard Branson beat billionaire Jeff Bezos in the race to space. What does that mean for the rest of us? And for…