
Meyers Defends Biden's SOTU Social Security Falsehood About GOP
Despite all the proclamations from Republican leaders saying cuts to Social Security and Medicare are not on the table, NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers reacted to President Biden’s State of the Union address on Wednesday by defending him against allegations he lied about GOP intentions to do just that.

CNN Invokes 'Our Children' While Attacking GOP Reaction To Biden Lies
Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom did not directly say that President Biden lied during his State of the Union address when he claimed that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare, but they strongly implied it wasn’t true. Still, the Republican reaction to that claim garnered more condemnation from the assorted cast than the claim itself with co-host Jim Sciutto go so far as to…

Scarborough Defends Biden's Lies By Attacking 'Stupid' GOP 'Jackasses'
Amid plenty of laughter from the panel, MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough’s Wednesday reaction to the State of the Union was more cathartic group therapy than serious analysis as he wasted no time in calling Republicans “stupid” and “the dumbest political party that’s ever existed” while labeling them “jackasses” for daring to object to President Biden’s lie about them cutting…

Reining in Government Spending? Let’s Get Real
Behind the refusal of the House Republican Party’s so-called freedom caucus to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., is the caucus’s skepticism that he will actually “rein in government spending.” I’ve never quite understood why all Republicans do not belong to the Freedom Caucus. If the Republican Party supports low taxes, light regulations and strong national security, why is a Freedom…

Franken Runs to Acosta for Help After Getting Schooled by Jennings
On Sunday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, CNN political analyst Scott Jennings schooled disgraced former Senator and failed actor Al Franken over his blatantly false claim that Republicans in Congress will cut Social Security and Medicare if they win control of Congress in November. In fact, Jennings tore into him so badly that Franken was forced to turn to CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta for…

Franken Warns Of 'Existential Threats' Including Cruz Being 'A D***'
Former Democratic senator and Saturday Night Live cast member Al Franken guest hosted ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday and it went about as well as anyone could predict. During his opening monologue, Franken rattled off a list of supposed threats to democracy including “just how big a dick Ted Cruz is” while later he turned the show into a Democratic commercial during an…

Brian Williams Touts Liberal Trashing of Sinema, 'D***head' Manchin
On Tuesday night, MSNBC host and former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams again demonstrated that he is so far to the left, that he even hits Democrats from the left if they are not liberal enough, using his 11th Hour "news" show to gratuitously hit Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema over her recent choice of clothing. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin received similar…

CNN Treats Biden to Another Clownish Pep Rally Littered With Softballs
On Thursday night, CNN collaborated with the White House for the third town hall of Joe Biden’s presidency and fourth in 13 months and, as has been the case with the previous installments (which you can read about here, here, and here), Thursday’s 89-minute state-run media operation featured questions that were either sapless, unimaginative, or watered down to ensure they came across as…

Not Going Away: NY Post’s Nelson Irks Psaki by Asking About Hunter
Tuesday saw a return of The Psaki Show and, without Fox’s Peter Doocy and questions from Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann, someone had to bring the heat to Press Secretary Jen Psaki and that came thanks to the New York Post’s Steven Nelson, who questions about the ever-corrupt Hunter Biden and allegations that President Biden owes back taxes.

No Pushback on CNN for Dem Advocating for $25 an Hour Minimum Wage
Proving that CNN is all on board with the socialist agenda, New Day co-hosts John Berman and Brianna Keilar on Tuesday morning brought on Nina Turner, 2020 Bernie Sanders campaign co-chair and now congressional candidate to replace Rep. Marcia Fudge. The CNN hosts offered zero pushback as Turner claimed the minimum wage should be "closer to $25 an hour and described the Green New Deal…

Disappointing: ABC Presses But Lets Biden-Harris Lies Go Unchallenged
Watching ABC’s interviews with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Sunday night was like experiencing whiplash. World News Tonight anchor David Muir pivoted between fawning softballs and surprisingly critical questions (for ABC) on their policies and controversial statements. However, these more contentious exchanges turned into disappointment as ABC let Biden and Harris spin, deflect and…

Amanpour Prods Granholm, Former AOC Guru to Push 'Medicare for All'
On Monday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour gave an unchallenged forum to two Democratic guests to push for a universal health care program in the U.S. She even suggested that a national health plan similar to that of the United Kingdom would be beneficial during the pandemic in spite of the COVID-19 death rate being substantially higher in…

Obamacare Enforcer Sebelius Whines 27-28M in US Lack Health Insurance