Arizona law

Bozell Column: Arizona, The Racist State
June 26th, 2012 11:05 PM
Though the Supreme Court overturned much of the Arizona law, but not the part the liberals and their media friends loathed the most, it wasn't hard to predict the networks would once again line up with the amnesty lobby. ABC's Diane Sawyer mourned "the most inflammatory part of the law" was upheld.
Once again, those impartial network producers are making themselves the sob sisters of illegal…

NBC Cites Illegal Immigrant Activist to Label Court Ruling 'Threatenin
June 26th, 2012 4:13 PM
Fretting over the Supreme Court upholding a portion of Arizona's immigration law, on Monday's NBC Nightly News correspondent Mike Taibbi declared: "[Leticia Ramirez] and her husband have been in this country illegally for over a decade and when she later watched the Supreme Court ruling unfold, she said the verdict, though it only upheld the so-called 'show your papers' part of the law, was…
Network Morning Shows Ignore Obama DHS Shutting Down Program to Deputi
June 26th, 2012 4:06 PM
Yesterday I noted that Fox News reported that the Obama administration was ending its program that deputizes local and state law enforcement officers so that they can arrest illegal immigrants. "By Monday afternoon, the Department of Homeland Security had pulled back on a program known as 287(g), which allows the feds to deputize local officials to make immigration-based arrests," Fox reported…

NBC's Todd: Obama 'Pretty Happy' With Immigration Decision That Will
June 26th, 2012 11:49 AM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House correspondent spun the Supreme Court's decision on Arizona's immigration law as exactly what the Democrats wanted: "Well, in crass political terms, today was a day where the Obama campaign was pretty happy with what happened and the Romney campaign was not very happy." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]

ABC Features Univision’s Ramos to Stigmatize Arizona Ruling: ‘Sad
June 25th, 2012 8:29 PM
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the law requiring Arizona law enforcement to check the immigration status of those they suspect are illegal is “very disappointing and very dangerous,” represents “a very sad day for the Hispanic community” and “will only create more persecution and discrimination” while “the last hope is gone.”
So contended not a left-wing activist, but a “news anchor…

John King Bashes Arizona's 'Notorious' Immigration Provision
June 25th, 2012 4:55 PM
While Arizona's "Show Me Your Papers" provision spawned plenty of controversy, it was still upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court on Monday. But CNN's John King thought it was more than "controversial," blasting the law as "notorious" not once, but twice on Monday.
Near the beginning of the 11 a.m. hour of Newsroom, King called the provision "that one -- and I'll call it 'notorious…

Following SCOTUS Ruling on Arizona Case, Obama Administration Suspends
June 25th, 2012 4:07 PM
Coming quickly on the heels of the Supreme Court's ruling today in Arizona v. United States that struck down much of the Grand Canyon State's anti-illegal immigration law -- but upheld a crucial provision to check the immigration status of persons held in custody -- the Obama administration announced today that it is ending a program that deputizes local and state police officers to help…

NBC's Gregory Grills Rubio: Does GOP Have 'Racism' Problem on Illegal
June 25th, 2012 11:41 AM
During an interview with Senator Marco Rubio on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory hit the Florida Republican for his support of Mitt Romney, who "had to run hard to the right here on illegal immigration" and is "far behind President Obama among Latino voters."
Gregory then quoted from Rubio's new book, An American Son, and proceeded to portray Republican opposition to illegal…

Chuck Todd on Supreme Court AZ Immigration Ruling: 'Worst of All Outco
June 25th, 2012 11:20 AM
NBC News political director Chuck Todd said Monday the Supreme Court's ruling regarding Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law "is probably the worst of all outcomes if you’re Mitt Romney."
Such was said on MSNBC's Jansing and Company moments after the announcement (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Associated Press, 1987: 'Why Do Grown Men And Women Shout At President
June 16th, 2012 3:03 PM
You'd think from the reaction to Daily Caller White House Correspondent Neal Munro's shouted question during President Obama's announcement of de facto amnesty for 30-and-under illegal aliens at the Rose Garden yesterday that it's the first time any reporter has ever shouted a question at a U.S. president out of turn. Friday afternoon, the Daily Caller, Munro's employer, carried his explanation…

NYT's SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Quotes Robert Frost to Shame Justices
May 3rd, 2012 1:51 PM
Linda Greenhouse, former Supreme Court reporter for the Times, got soppy in defense of Arizona's illegal immigrants in "The Lower Floor" her latest biweekly column posted Wednesday evening. Apparently Supreme Court justices were remiss last week when they focused on arguing the law, as opposed to reciting Robert Frost and giving in to sympathetic anecdotes about "the simply humanity" of…

WashPost's Milbank Slams Scalia For Questions In Immigration Case
April 26th, 2012 5:05 PM
Reporter-turned-liberal columnist Dana Milbank is incensed that Antonin Scalia is, well, being himself. The Washington Post scribe -- who infamously appeared on a February 2006 Countdown with Keith Olbermann in hunting gear to mock Vice President Dick Cheney, who accidentally shot a friend during a hunting excursion -- slammed the Reagan-appointed associate justice for "verbally lacerat[ing]…

NYT's Preston Again Points to Protests to Suggest AZ Immigration Law U
April 26th, 2012 1:32 PM
Just as she did on Wednesday, the New York Times's pro-amnesty immigration reporter Julia Preston portrayed Arizona's popular crackdown on illegal immigration (now before the Supreme Court) as controversial in "A Hearing And Rallies Over a Law In Arizona." Thursday's edition also featured an above-the-fold front-page photo of a stoic Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer passing "opponents of her state's…

NYT's Preston Notes AZ Immigration Law 'Intensely Unpopular Among Lati
April 25th, 2012 11:49 AM
There are politically motivated hearings every day on Capitol Hill. So why did the New York Times single out one in particular for coverage? Likely because it was led by liberal Sen. Chuck Schumer and exploting the Times' favorite cause, the defense of illegal immigrants.
Immigration-beat reporter Julia Preston, one of the paper's most reliably pro-amnesty reporters, authored Wednesday's "…