Daily Beast Columnist: Dubya Can Redeem Himself By Trashing Trump

July 13th, 2016 11:02 AM
In an Internet meme from President Obama’s first term, George W. Bush asked America, “Miss Me Yet?” Even though The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky is a liberal, he does miss Dubya, after a fashion. In a Monday column, Tomasky called Bush “one of the worst presidents” ever but conceded that when he was POTUS, the Republican party was a mere “war-starting, economy-wrecking” outfit, while today’s GOP…

CNN Frets 'Conservative' FDA Ban on Gay Blood 'Added Insult to Injury'

June 17th, 2016 6:37 PM
In spite of CDC statistics documenting the dramatically higher rate of HIV infection among homosexual males in contrast with the general population -- so much so that more than 60 percent of AIDS patients are homosexual men -- CNN host Anderson Cooper and medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360 seemed befuddled at why the Obama administration FDA would bar…

NY Times Repeatedly Lies About Radical Left's Church Invasion in 1989

March 18th, 2016 11:12 AM
The New York Times is not only covering up for gay activists gone mad, it is lying to its readers. I say lying because we corrected the record in January, notifying its public editor, Maggie Sullivan, about it.

NYT Quotes Left-Wing Insults After Nancy Reagan Death: 'Adolf Reagan'

March 12th, 2016 4:49 PM
Hillary Clinton broke a cardinal rule of the angry left –saying something nice about a Republican who recently passed away. After she was savaged for saying Nancy Reagan had been out front in confronting AIDS, an angry backlash ensued, and Clinton quickly fell into line. Reporter Amy Chozick really let the leftist insults fly in the longer online version, hitting both the Reagans and Hillary in a…

Sacha Baron Cohen: Trump Getting HIV Makes Movie 'Good Force in World'

March 10th, 2016 10:42 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's New Day on CNN to promote his latest film, The Brothers Grimsby, comedian and actor Sacha Baron Cohen recalled that audiences who have seen the movie have cheered at what he called the "fairytale ending" of Donald Trump contracting HIV. A bit later, as he discussed whether he and his writers have lines they do not cross in their comedy, he concluded that, "at…

Hollyweird: Is Borat Giving Trump AIDS?

March 4th, 2016 2:20 PM
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Sasha Baron Cohen’s new movie for Sony Pictures will feature Donald Trump being infected by AIDS when the blood of the assassinated Harry Potter flies into his mouth. Or something.

CNN Hits 'Pandering' Pro-Life Kasich from Left on 'Insulting' Women

February 22nd, 2016 10:50 PM
As GOP presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich appeared as a guest on Monday's The Situation Room, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer pressed him to apologize for "insulting" women because the Ohio governor recently recounted that in the 1970s some women "left their kitchens" to campaign for him. The CNN anchor then moved to forwarding charges that, by ending state funding of Planned Parenthood…

'Progressive Men's Magazine' Adds HIV-Positive Blood to Ink on Cover

May 4th, 2015 6:02 PM
A Vienna-based magazine that calls itself Vangardist -- and a “progressive men’s magazine” -- is seeking to renew interest in the rise of HIV and AIDS around the world this week by printing a select number of magazine covers using ink infused with HIV-infected blood. The 3,000 copies of the publication's special edition also features stories of "HIV heroes" at a time when the editors say too…

Gay Activist Imagines Most of the Men On Your Money Are Gay

March 29th, 2015 4:02 PM
In the rarefied air of “American letters,” as scored by The New York Times, radical gay activist and playwright Larry Kramer must be front-page material of the Weekend Arts section. Kramer has a new “historical novel,” which abuses history energetically. The Times headline was “Retelling History to Prove A Point.” Online it was “Larry Kramer Retells History With Passion.” But it’s not “retelling…

Obama Bundler, Dem 'Kingmaker' Bean Arraigned; Media Silence Continues

December 4th, 2014 12:26 AM
Continuing a nearly six-month pattern, the nation's establishment press ignored today's arraignment of pioneering homosexual activist, major Obama campaign bundler and Democrat "kingmaker" Terry Bean in Lane County, Oregon "on two charges of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and sexual abuse in the third degree, a misdemeanor." A Google News search on Bean's full name during the past 24 hours done…

WashPost Honors Gay Radio Host Who Told Gay GOP Voter to Drink Arsenic

October 5th, 2014 6:41 AM
The cover of Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine preaches the gay gospel again. Over an illustration of one groom helping another groom to the top of a wedding cake is the headline “The Gay Moment: How we got to a new American reality.” Post editor Erica Johnston profiled gay activists Michelangelo Signorile and Human Rights Campaign boss Chad Griffin. One unleashed hate on the radio. The other's…

Former R.E.M. Star: I Skipped an HIV Test for Five Years for Fear of R

June 26th, 2014 10:06 PM
Does anyone remember the Reagan-Bush internment camps after the discovery of the AIDS virus? No? Rolling Stone reported that former R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe declared at a taping of a show for Viacom’s Logo channel that he was afraid to get an HIV test in the 1980s for fear of the right-wing oppression that would result. He waited five years out of progressive paranoia.

American Horror Story: Tales of ObamaCare Victims Untold by the Big Th

March 27th, 2014 11:44 AM
If a government program signed into law by former President George W. Bush was causing cancer patients to go broke, brain tumor victims to pay more for their insurance, and was leaving HIV/AIDS patients in the lurch - you can bet the Big Three news networks would’ve packed their shows with these tragic tales. But these horrific stories and more, all caused by ObamaCare, have yet to be given…

Two Reuters Headlines Presume Pope Has Condemned Abortion to Placate

January 13th, 2014 1:42 PM
A few hours ago, the folks at Twitchy.com caught the following headline at Reuters at a story about Pope Francis: "Pope, in nod to conservatives, calls abortion 'horrific.'" At roughly 11:45 Eastern Time, the headline at Philip Pullella's story carried at Yahoo News ventured even further into the unreal: "Pope, after conservatives' criticism, calls abortion "horrific.'" Phil, the Pope is…