Old Media Lets Obama's Shaky CEO Earnings Claim Go Unchallenged

February 25th, 2008 9:47 AM

It's an extraordinarily clever claim. It gets your attention. It's misleading. And of course, Old Media isn't questioning it.

I am referring to the following statement made by Barack Obama in radio ads currently running in Ohio and Texas:

Some CEOs make more in 10 minutes than some American workers make in a year.

In the full context of the ad, I believe that what Obama wants listeners to take away is that "Quite a few CEOs typically, year after year, make more in 10 minutes than some American workers make in a year."

But let's limit things to the literal wording. Start with a full-time minimum-wage worker who earns (rounded) $12,000 annually ($5.85 per hour times 2,080 hours is a bit more than that). How much would a CEO have to make in a year to be earning over $12,000 every 10 minutes?

The answer: At least $187 million -- and, uh, "change":


So how many CEOs made that much in 2006? The answer in 2006, according to Forbes, was three:


How about 2005? Try one (per Forbes), maybe two (woopidoo.com has an additional name on its list):


One-year wonders are fine, but how many CEOs averaged $187.2 million or more in earnings over 5 years? As you can see above, the answer is "none in either year."

It's also worth noting that three of the four CEOs above (Jobs, Semel, and Diller) are in charge of high-tech businesses that are not exactly known for having high concentrations of minimum-wage workers.

If Obama's claim stands, it does so using the narrowest of definitions, and even then it only survives by the very thinnest of margins. An ordinary listener would clearly believe that Obama's ad refers to more than four people (or five, if you include the additional CEO listed at woopidoo.com) in a two-year period.

Obama's single-out of CEOs is also conveniently selective. If you wonder why he did not include certain entertainers in the list of those making more in 10 minutes than some workers, wonder no more:


Lee Cary at American Thinker adds this:

Sure, the gross disparity between CEO and average worker pay is a valid issue. And, for a relatively few CEOs and other mega-earners like Oprah Winfrey, top professional athletes, and major Hollywood movie stars, Obama's claim may be mathematically accurate. But as a blanket assertion, it's a level of derogatory rhetoric that only works when adulation kills critical thinking.

It's also appears to be a level of derogatory rhetoric Old Media doesn't mind letting go by unchallenged.

Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.