Nasty Liberals Gloat Over Reagan’s ‘Comeuppance’ With Wildfires

October 30th, 2019 4:52 PM

Wednesday brought the distrubing and sad news that wildfires were threatening the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Southern California. Well, it was sad news to most people. But that didn’t stop a few prominent liberals in and out of the media from either gloating or blaming conservative inaction on global warming. 
Philadelphia Inquirer columnist and occasional CNN guest Will Bunch used the dangerous fire as an opportunity to hype his anti-Reagan book and to tout this as a what-goes-around-comes-around type situation: 



Rick Perlstein, author of anti-Reagan and anti-Richard Nixon books (also a favorite on MSNBC and CNN), called the fires “awful.” But he couldn’t resist musing about the “comeuppance to the memory of a man who warded off environmentalism.” 



2020 Democratic presidential candidate (sort of: he’s polling at 0.6 percent nationally), echoed other liberals and saw this as an example of irony: 



To the disappointment of some extreme liberals, firefighters and goats appear to have saved this historical landmark: