New Kavanaugh Book Debuts to Dismal Sales Despite Heavy Media Coverage

September 28th, 2019 6:44 AM

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A nominee for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court is about to be confirmed when suddenly, women start appearing out of nowhere to accuse him of engaging in unwilling sexual escapades with them.

That scenario took place last year, but the bad feelings generated by participants in the incident has led to yet another book on the matter, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh, which received enthusiastic, wall-to-wall coverage throughout the mainstream media -- but nevertheless failed to sell well during its first week on sale.

Because of that 24/7 coverage, many people expected the hostile screed by authors Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly to top the best-seller charts.

Instead, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh sold a dismal 2,500 copies that week even though the authors are also reporters for the New York Times. In addition, the book did not even make that newspaper’s own best-sellers list.

According to an article posted on Thursday by Timothy Meads, web editor at Townhall:

It feels like ages ago, but remember that supposedly explosive new allegation from the latest smear of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh that was revealed in the New York Times just last Sunday?

You know, the one where authors Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly claimed that Kavanaugh drunkenly flashed his private parts at a classmate during his time at Yale?

It had many Democrats, including some running of the presidency, calling for his impeachment. It then quieted down. Why? The authors later clarified that actually, the "victim" in the story did not even remember it happening. 

With all of the Left's hatred of Kavanaugh and deep-seated wishes to impeach and remove him from the Supreme Court, one would think this book would sell like hotcakes....except they just didn't find anything damaging after a year of trying.

Meads then contrasted that book with another one about Kavanaugh that came out in July: Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino. It received almost zero press coverage from the liberal establishment media, but it shot to number one on Amazon. "It sold more than 17,000 copies in its first week alone." 

(We passed along that the New York Times fudged its "best seller" list to put it at #5.)

Even now, the book's publisher, Regnery, says "the sales activity we’re seeing of the NYT book in its first week compared to Justice on Trial’s in its 11th week is evidence that the American people see right through the corporate media’s agenda and are standing by Justice Kavanaugh."

Meads concluded that the “absolute failure of The Education of Brett Kavanaugh, all the while being propped up by leftists in the news business, just goes to show how out-of-touch progressives and the mainstream media are with the rest of the country.”