MRC's Brent Bozell Mocks ESPN Over Lee Controversy: Ban Yourself!

August 23rd, 2017 12:38 PM

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Wednesday mocked ESPN for its latest outburst of politically correct craziness. Appearing on the Fox Business Network, he derided the removal of an Asian broadcaster because he has the name Robert Lee, the same as the late Confederate general. Bozell sarcastically suggested, “If ESPN is going to take that position, they don't go far enough. They need to ban the University of Virginia from their football teams altogether.” 

The MRC head joked, “ESPN owns the SEC network.... The Southeastern Conference is made of Confederate states. I'm calling on ESPN to ban itself!” 



On the subject of NBC journalist Chuck Todd repeatedly giving a platform to discuss whether Antifa violence is okay, Bozell condemned: “When you do something like that, you are raising the credibility of the notion of violence against their political enemies... This is aiding and abetting in a very dangerous conversation.” 

Partial transcripts of the two part segment can be found below: 

Varney and Co. 
11:48am ET 

BRENT BOZELL: They just aren't holding back now. You heard the roars in the speech last night when Trump mentioned the media. There is contempt in his base for the media. There is contempt of Donald Trump from the media. This is the war between both sides but the difference is Donald Trump is very open about what his position is like. These reporters, quote, reporters want you to consider them to be reporters. They are political agitators. They are at the forefront of a left-wing agenda that has as its desire to destruction of Donald Trump and I believe they will not stop unless and until they get the removal of Donald Trump.


BOZELL: So, he has Mark Bray, who is a supporter of Antifa on on Friday to do a debate.  He brings to debate him the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The question is, is violence permissible. And they have a nice chit chat debate about whether there should be violence and then he repeats it on Sunday. So, what do you have year? You have got a militant left-wing organization debating a radical left-wing organization on the proposition is violence okay. Just try for a second to imagine for a minute the same reporter, Chuck Todd on MSNBC moderating a debate with, say, the Ku Klux Klan on one side and the John Birch Society on the other with the question is violence okay? This is a leftist organization and Chuck Todd simply does not understand: When you do something like that, you are raising the credibility of the notion of violence against their political enemies. That, to me, I hate to say it — But this is aiding and abetting in a very dangerous conversation.


BOZELL:  I promise you this is true. I heard about this on the radio this morning. I almost crashed I was laughing so hard. I thought this was a Saturday Night Live parody. But look — But let’s be serious here. If ESPN is going to take that position, they don't go far enough. They need to ban the University of Virginia from their football teams altogether. Then I learned something else: ESPN owns the SEC network, the Southeastern Conference Network.  The Southeastern Conference is made of Confederate states. I'm calling on ESPN to ban itself. And then they’ll be gone. Where does it stop?