Luring Lamar: ABC Asks 'What Would It Take to Get You Behind Withdrawal?'

July 14th, 2007 8:42 AM

Is ABC's Bill Weir a TV journalist -- or a recruiter for Team Defeat? You had to wonder, watching his interview on today's "Good Morning America" of Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tn.). Alexander has co-sponsored legislation that would make the Iraq Study Group recommendations the basis for future U.S. strategy in Iraq.

GMA CO-HOST BILL WEIR: You have introduced an idea now that really centers around redeploying our troops over there. What would it take for you to get behind a timetable for withdrawal?

This could be an MSM first: breaking out a variation on the old used-car salesman line: "what would it take to get you to buy this car today?"

Later in the interview, Weir returned to his effort of luring Lamar to the surrender side.

WEIR: The Democrats say your proposals don't have enough teeth. They really want to see some movement here. But as you watch the President this week, "stay the course," yet again [bad, bad, intransigent President!]. You're defying him in a way just by introducing this. Do you hope that he'll come around to you, or are you eventually just drifting towards an eventual [support for] withdrawal?

View video here.

When's the last time Weir asked a defeatist Senator "what would it take to convince you the tide is turning in our favor in Iraq?"

Mark was in Iraq in November. Contact him at