Norah's Iraq Knock: 'It Should Be A Political Solution'

January 10th, 2007 6:59 PM

While there's never been much doubt as to where Norah O'Donnell stands politically, I've never heard her express a political position in such unmistakably personal terms as she did this afternoon on Tucker Carlson's MSNBC show. Said Norah, discussing the President's imminent announcement of a surge:

"The President has chosen a military solution to the sectarian violence. As Brownback said today, and an increasing number of Democrats, it should be a political solution."

When Tucker countered that the military is traditionally used for the express purpose of ultimately achieving a political solution, Norah again expressed her own view: "Perhaps when there's a clear enemy. But in this case there's not really an enemy. We're in the middle of a civil war between Sunnis and Shias."

View video here.

To those tempted to argue that Norah was merely passing along the views of Brownback and the Democrats and not expressing a personal opinion, have a good look at her precise formulation: "as Brownback said." In other words, she was adopting Brownback's position as her own. And her subsequent retort to Tucker's comment was made entirely in her own voice.

This was Norah, going on the record in opposition to the president's plan. Certainly her right, but can we now scratch O'Donnell off the list of NBC/MSNBC's supposedly straight-news reporters?

Mark was in Iraq in November. Contact him at