Editor’s Pick: Hot Air on NYT's Climate Fretting Amid Ukraine Crisis

February 24th, 2022 10:41 AM

On Wednesday, Hot Air Senior Editor Ed Morrissey reported on how The New York Times – on the eve of Russia invading Ukraine – was most concerned with the impact on the left’s climate change crusade. He cited a Times article fretting: “The renewed emphasis on energy independence and national security may encourage policymakers to backslide on efforts to decrease the use of fossil fuels that pump deadly greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.”

Morrissey pointed out: “As the New York Times notes today, Biden’s not the only world leader suddenly finding themselves in this political conundrum of their own making....World leaders actively pushed for higher prices on fossil fuels (even clean-burning natural gas) as a way to (a) fund subsidies for far-less-reliable solar and wind technologies, and (b) use those subsidies to make those green-energy sources look competitive.”

Read the full article at Hot Air.