Nets Ignore Leftist Gun Control Advocate Charged with Attempted Murder

February 15th, 2022 8:59 PM

Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg (D) and his campaign staff were shot at after a gunman barged into the campaign headquarters on Monday afternoon. While this news was eagerly reported on during Monday night’s evening news broadcasts when the networks thought the suspect could've been a conservative, the new details, which surfaced Tuesday that showed the suspect was a leftist gun control activist, were not reported by the nightly newscasts on that evening. 

Instead of covering this disturbing revelation, the networks decided to spend valuable airtime on weather reports on a snowstorm that’s expected in the coming days, and a Catholic priest who used the wrong phrase when baptizing. 

On Monday, when the identity of the shooter was not publicly known, CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell made sure to let viewers know the mayoral candidate who was shot at was a Democrat:

In Louisville, Kentucky tonight, a suspect is in custody in connection with a possible assassination attempt today on a Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. Police say a gunman walked into Greenberg's campaign headquarters and fired multiple shots at the candidate, one bullet hitting a piece of his clothing. Police have not determined the motive. CBS has learned the F.B.I. is now assisting with the investigation.  



This, of course, was to imply that the candidate's party affiliation was a played a role in the heinous attack.

Over on ABC’s World News Tonight on Monday, anchor David Muir did not make note of the political party of the mayoral candidate, but he did report the frightening details of the scene of the shooting “authorities say a gunman walked into Craig Greenberg's campaign office and began firing. The candidate and staff barricading themselves behind a door. One bullet grazing the candidate's sweater, but no one was hurt.”

Muir went on to reveal that local authorities called it “an assassination attempt.” 

NBC Nightly News did not mention the shooting at all on either Monday or Tuesday night. Once it was revealed that the shooter was a leftist Democrat, there was radio silence from all three evening news broadcasts. 

This bias by omission was brought to you by Progressive on ABC, Allstate on CBS, and Bayer on NBC. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.

Read the transcript of each segment below:    

CBS Evening News
6:41:42 PM

NORAH O’DONNELL: Well, in Louisville, Kentucky tonight, a suspect is in custody in connection with a possible assassination attempt today on a Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. Police say a gunman walked into Greenberg's campaign headquarters and fired multiple shots at the candidate, one bullet hitting a piece of his clothing. Police have not determined the motive. CBS has learned the F.B.I. is now assisting with the investigation. 

ABC's World News Tonight
6:49:47 PM

DAVID MUIR: Tonight authorities are investigating a shooting targeting a mayoral candidate in Louisville, Kentucky. Authorities say a gunman walked into Craig Greenberg's campaign office and began firing. The candidate and staff barricading themselves behind a door. One bullet grazing the candidate's sweater, but no one was hurt. A city official calling it an assassination attempt. The suspect has been arrested.