NY Times 'Year in Pictures' Puts Liberal Illogic on Illegals on Display

December 31st, 2014 12:05 PM

Although many of the images are striking and well worth viewing, there's also a dose of the liberal politics of the New York Times on display in its "Year in Pictures" in today's paper.

The very first photo sets the Times' tone, depicting a Ferguson demonstrator with hands up confronted by a heavily-armed phalanx of police. But it is the commentary accompanying another photo that really gives the Times' game away.  Seen from the inside of a car, the text reads [emphasis added]: "Ignacio, an illegal immigrant, pulled into a convenience store in Tulsa, where a simple traffic stop could lead to deportation."  Well, yes.  Be the infraction large or small, drawing police attention can lead to the discovery that someone is in the country illegally and thus subject to deportation.   

Was Ignacio actually deported?  Unlikely, given the shrinking number of deportations under President Obama and his recent executive amnesty.  But so what?  The photo and text are so sympathetic!