Hollywood Reporter: Entertainers Need to Double Down on Progressive Propaganda

January 20th, 2021 12:14 PM

Is it possible to overplay a royal flush? It looks like the left is going to give it a try.  For example, Hollywood couldn’t be any more progressive or any more willing to regurgitate progressive propaganda. But some lefties want more.

Writing in The Hollywood Reporter, Harvard Law Professor Alan Jenkins, insists Hollywood can be the hero to help leave behind “Trumpisms.” Jenkins says that pop culture is the vessel to unite citizens against “dangerous” Trumpist practices after the Capitol riots. As former president at The Opportunity Agenda, another leftie social justice organization, Jenkins thinks making movies and TV more political is a means of getting beyond the “fearmongering, selfishness, vindictiveness, bigotry and authoritarianism” of “Trumpies.”

“The hard work of fully processing these traumatic events and moving the nation in a new, positive direction falls not only to political, faith, or civic leaders, but to all of us,” says Jenkins. “And Hollywood has a uniquely important role to play.”  As if Tinseltown wasn’t already doing yeoman's work for the cause. As if 97% of pre-election late night TV jokes weren’t at Trump’s expense. As if the rare publically conservative celebrities aren’t banished from polite society. As if MRC didn’t have an entire webpage dedicated to tracking the left-wing themes and plot points on scripted TV shows. 

The ironic thing is, Jenkins aims to attack the apparently “dangerous” methods of Trump, but is blind to the vindictiveness and authoritarianism of the left. He’s all for drowning out the voices of conservatives and “telling the right stories.” Sounds like authoritarianism. And if the COVID panic or the climate change doomsaying (fearmongering) bothers him, he doesn’t mention it.  Presumably, Jenkins isn’t upset about Twitter suspending Trump’s account while he is legitimately the POTUS  -- along with those of thousands of his supporters. (Vindictiveness, anyone?)  None of those things are intended to bring “unity.” As a matter of fact, he wants Hollywood to denounce perspectives he doesn’t like.

“We need new, shared narratives that artfully articulate the elements and dangers of Trumpism” Jenkins said. Following a pattern now, he neglects to mention how the left is stripping the world of any and all means of politeness and civilized conversation. Hollywood can’t swallow the fact that there is still a miniscule percent of conservatives -- or even just people who don’t want to be force-fed politics when they flip on the TV

Jenkins is just another voice trying yet again to use the power of the media to stamp out conservatives and reinforce progressive lefts. “Indeed, when Donald Trump was elected, many network execs wondered aloud ‘are we telling the right stories?’...This time around, ‘the right stories’ should include the story of what unites us, what threatens to tear us apart, and the importance of moving forward together.” Is he really claiming that only lefts are capable of generating morally just stories? 

Jenkins is another left-winger doing his best to overreach. There’s no other way to characterize a call to politicize what’s already political and eliminate dissent, where no dissent can be found.