Sex, sex and more sex…that is the only subject Nick Jonas talks about or values lately. His journey from purity ring-wearing child star to a Not Safe For Work (NSFW) actor is nearly complete.
Jonas recently did an interview for the December issue of Attitude, a magazine for gay men. Lucky for us, E Online has snippets from that interview of Jonas talking about his new favorite topic: sex. Gone are the days in which the former Jonas Brother advocates for abstinence and purity. Instead he claimed, “"Sex is such an important part of a healthy life, in the sense that it’s such an intrinsic part of who you are."
He would know. Jonas’ new show, ‘Kingdom’ premiered October 8 on DirecTV. We were warned beforehand that he would act in several sex scenes, potentially even gay ones since the MMA character he’s playing has “a big storyline revolving around his sexuality.” The reason for that, Jonas explained to Attitude, is because, “When your sex life is not healthy, you resort to other things as an outlet. And in terms of the show, that’s tough to watch.”
At least his parents got fair
warning beforehand. In an interview with “USA Today” Jonas said he warned his
family who watches the show, “Hey, heads up, just so you know at the two minute
mark there’s, you know, something;” his first sex scene, which even Huffington
Post described as “racy,” occurred in the latest episode on November 5. The
scenes are justifiable according to Nick because they’re not real and he has no
trouble performing in them since they are so integral to the story, “So long as
I can keep them separate there’s no problem.”
Still, acting in the sex scenes isn’t enough; he wants to inspire people to have sex too. He recently released his first solo album since breaking up the band he had with his brothers; a self titled album titled, “Nick Jonas.” He has since appeared in several interviews, with Huffington Post, E Online and the “USA Today” interview clip also alludes to it, where he said he thinks it would be cool for and actually hopes people will have sex while listening to his music. He says he wrote several songs that would set the perfect sensual scene for them to do so. He even went so far as to claim that “Every artist’s real goal is to have people have sex to your music.”
These two incidents are only the latest examples which show just how obsessed with sex Nick Jonas has become. His actions and interviews all highlight that specific topic. In the last two months alone he has visited several gay clubs stripping for the gay fans he has professed to love and appreciate so very much, appeared in racy, half nude images in “Flaunt Magazine” and “Cosmo” where he showcased his “bulge;” leaving little to the imagination, and has done numerous interviews promoting his new show and album. We can now add the sex-centric interview with the gay magazine to his list.
Ironically (and scary) Jonas was recently named “an ambassador for the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, which is dedicated to inspiring today's youth through entertainment and education focused initiatives.” Just the role model parents want inspiring their children.