Soros Kids Give $10K More to Planned Parenthood in 2017

November 10th, 2017 2:34 PM

Giving to Planned Parenthood is ironically a family business when it comes to liberal billionaire George Soros. But rarely do big media outlets fully investigate the money flow.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, a Jennifer Allan Soros and a Jonathan Allan Soros from New York gave $5,000 each to Planned Parenthood on June 29, 2017.

Those are the names of George Soros’ daughter-in-law and son.

Their donations totaling $10,000 came days after Planned Parenthood emailed a June 27 fundraising letter from President Cecile Richards warning about the Senate’s upcoming vote on “Trumpcare.”

The Center for Responsive Politics listed Jennifer’s occupation as Give Lively, a fundraising platform that she co-founded with Jonathan. Give Lively boasts Planned Parenthood as a “member” on its website. Jennifer also served several years as a board member for Planned Parenthood until 2014.

As for Jonathan, the center listed his employment by JS Capital Management, a private investment firm that he founded.

In October, conservative outlets reported that another Soros daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel, also gave $500,000 to Planned Parenthood Votes, the organization’s political action arm, in August.

It’s not like America's largest abortion provider needs the money. According to Planned Parenthood’s most recently published annual report, the organization performed 328,348 abortions and received $554.6 million in “government health services grants and reimbursements” for the year 2015 – 2016.

While the national abortion rate has lowered, Planned Parenthood’s abortion rate has risen.

George Soros is one of Planned Parenthood’s biggest donors. In years the past, his Open Society Foundations has dropped millions into Planned Parenthood. In 2016, his Open Society Policy Center gave $1.5 million for damage control following the Center for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of aborted baby parts.