TNT, NY Daily News Allow Barkley to Smear Republicans' Tax Reform

December 26th, 2017 5:00 PM

It's so easy to be a liberal sports writer or broadcaster. If you want to go political, you can either spout Democratic Party talking points, or you can allow leftist sports figures like the nitwit Charles Barkley to do it for you. You just accept leftist narratives as gospel, no questions asked. Barkley did that Christmas night during a TNT broadcast of an NBA game when he ripped on Republicans and the tax cut.

Never to be confused with an expert on tax matters, Barkley (far right in photo) pushed the tired Democrat refrain of "tax cuts for the rich" when he said the Republicans' tax reform is a "Christmas gift" for wealthy people like him:

"At least we got our tax break. All these poor people can keep waiting for this trickle down. They've been waiting for like 400 years and it ain't trickled down yet."

Neither Ernie Johnson of TNT or Kevin Armstrong of The New York Daily News, who reported on Barkley's comments today, interjected that the United States is far less than 400 years old. Or that the non-rich have previously benefitted from tax breaks. As Johnson watched and Armstrong reported, Barkley added:

"I'm going to trickle my fat (butt) down to the jewelry store to get a new Rolex. They're not going to pass it to nobody. Thank you, Republicans, I knew I could always count on y'all to take care of us rich people, us one per centers. Sorry, poor people. I'm hoping for y'all, but y'all ain't got no chance."

Johnson threw his head back in laughter over Barkley's remarks, and neither he nor The Daily News had the will to counter Barkley. TNT has been providing a microphone to the loose cannon for years and he consistently uses it to make a fool of himself. People were watching that game because they wanted basketball. If they wanted political news and analysis they can get the real deal from The Heritage Foundation and other credible sources.

An editorial by The Heritage Foundation reported the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will allow Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money and will allow their wages grow by as much as $4,000 per family by the end of the decade. On the National Revew Online, Larry Kudlow wrote a single $52,000 earner claims a 36 percent reduction in tax liabilities and a married couple filing jointly, making $85,000, gets a 20 percent tax-revenue reduction.

Forbes magazine previously estimated in 2015 that 45 percent of Americans don't pay federal taxes, so contrary to Barkley, they are not harmed a red cent by the tax reform.

Americans who want truthful news on politics and taxes can get it from reliable sources. Foolish remarks from Barkley, who's in over his head on economic issues, and from The Daily News, whose gate-keeping withheld truthful information, should be dismissed.