The Hollywood Left Goes After the NFL in New Will Smith Movie 'Concussion'

September 1st, 2015 2:55 PM

The Hollywood left appears ready to embark on another product of their variation of the old legal adage, which says: “If the law is on your side, pound the law, if the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If neither the law not the facts are on your side, pound the table.”

Except under the current liberal translation of this adage, it must read: “If neither the facts nor the science are on your side, go make a movie!”

This, apparently, is the driving force behind the left’s newest offensive in their effort to destroy football, the Will Smith movie “Concussion,” based on the story of Dr. Bennett Omalu who is according to USA Today:

...the pathologist who unearthed the link between football and head trauma. It was Omalu who put a name to the disease that destroyed the brains of countless former players and led Junior Seau and several others to kill themselves.

The part about Dr. Omalu being a pathologist is obviously true. The rest is a monstrous and willful distortion of truth and science in light of all the easily accessible evidence to the contrary at this point.

NFL football players are less likely to die from suicides than people in the general population. Not only that, according to Harvard Medical School researchers there is no clear link between contact sports and suicide. Nor, is there any direct link between football and increased risk of CTE. But of course, to the liberal sports media, concussion science is settled by ideology, not science.

“Concussion” is a movie that has some serious star power with Will Smith, Alec Baldwin, and Luke Wilson on board, in addition to serious financial backing from Sony Pictures. Its Christmas Day opener, right when everyone is in the throes of pre-playoff NFL and late-season college football ecstasy, will ensure it garners tons of attention, especially from the sports media which has been actively rooting for football’s demise for a while.

So the movie will be seen and, presumably, will have some impact. Yet, it’s nothing more than “The Day After Tomorrow 2.0,” another scientifically baseless wonderland of propaganda disguised as entertainment. Which is fitting, because that’s what concussions and CTE have become to the media: the new global warming.