Hillary Fan Paul McCartney Just Wrote a Song About Trump

August 1st, 2017 12:12 PM

Since the 1960s, politics has always been the musician’s friend. Cheap shots about the President of the United States will always ensure relevance (and publicity).

Beatles music legend Paul McCartney shared with the students of the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA) that he had just composed a song about Donald Trump. His reasoning? “Sometimes the situation in the world is so crazy, that you’ve got to address it.”

Given that he helped fundraise for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, one can only assume that his ballad of Trump will be at the very least critical. Not to mention some  seven years ago at a White House concert, McCartney (who isn’t an American citizen) hurled an insult at former President George Bush, claiming that “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”

Not to mention that McCartney “really loved” Obama. The Liverpool Echo gave the singer too much credit when it said that McCartney “didn’t imply whether the song was in favor of the US President or not.” Unless McCartney attends all the presidents’ birthday parties, it’s likely that the current POTUS is just not the same level of hero as McCartney’s favorite person, Obama.

McCartney’s album, which will have the Trump song, will be released at some point in the next year, according to the Liverpool Echo. “The album is one of the most highly anticipated of 2017,” according to Jenny Kirkham.

McCartney will most likely not be singing the Trump song at a White House concert in the next 4 years.