The Reckless Folly of the 'Undocumented Immigrant

June 24th, 2011 10:17 AM
With great fanfare and elite media sympathy, Jose Antonio Vargas publicly declared himself an "undocumented immigrant" this week. "Undocumented" my you-know-what. In the felony-friendly pages of The New York Crimes — er, Times — the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist turned illegal-alien activist spilled the beans on all the illegal IDs he amassed over the years. He had documents coming out of…

The Presidential Race Made Easy

June 23rd, 2011 3:25 PM
In the weeks ahead, I shall be in Europe to speak on American politics. What will I say to old Europe? Well, I shall give them my broad view of American politics and end with the present election cycle, in which I believe Barack Obama will be retired to private life, though he cannot really conceive of private life. He will continue his public life as he has for all his adult life. That is how…

Big Media's Suicide Compact

June 23rd, 2011 5:30 AM
Is there a profit-making business -- other than TV networks and The New York Times -- that so disrespects its audience it works overtime to offend them? What other business metaphorically flips the bird to those who don't subscribe to their social, cultural and political worldview? That is precisely what big media does to a large number of potential viewers and subscribers.

GOP Criticism of Libya Misadventure Is Not Isolationist

June 22nd, 2011 6:15 PM
Sen. John McCain, whose life is a continuing exemplar of the American heroic ideal, regrettably has got it quite wrong when he says that growing GOP opposition to the Libyan and Afghan wars is evidence of isolationism. In his words on weekend television: "Well, I was more concerned about what the candidates in New Hampshire the other night said. This is isolationism. There's always been an…

America's New Racists

June 22nd, 2011 5:45 PM
The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races."

Jon Huntsman: McCain on Wheels

June 22nd, 2011 5:38 PM
Jon Huntsman wants you to know he rides a dirt bike. On real dirt! He's Salt of the Earth. Grease of the Garage. Dragster on the Dunes. Huntsman's runnin' and gunnin' for president. But underneath the Steve McQueen costumery, this made-for-cable-TV Moderate Speed Racer is a creaky old John McCain on Wheels. The former Utah Republican governor and Obama ambassador to China is the answer to an…

Sex, Media and a Sign of the Times

June 22nd, 2011 5:26 PM
Some of us are old enough to remember the shocking nature of Barbara Eden's showing her navel on "I Dream of Jeannie" in the '60s and how the revealing one-piece bathing suits on "Charlie's Angels" in the '70s were considered scanty. Compare that with today.

Bozell Column: Palin Movie vs. Media Mythology

June 21st, 2011 11:05 PM
More than any other Republican presidential prospect, Sarah Palin draws white-hot journalistic loathing. She’s too red-state, too gun-toting, too religious, and too unwilling to abort a disabled “fetus.” Even so, filmmaker Steve Bannon remains deeply optimistic his forthcoming Palin documentary “The Undefeated” will sway the media to see Palin in a different light. Bannon, a former Goldman…

A Constitutional Convention Would Be a Dangerous Proposition

June 21st, 2011 2:31 PM
The left's assault on liberty never rests, so don't ever be sucked into supporting the dangerous idea of a new constitutional convention, even if its stated purposes purport to be limited. Recently, CNN's Fareed Zakaria spoke admiringly of how "Iceland is actually junking its own constitution and starting anew and ... soliciting ideas from all of Iceland's 320,000 citizens, with the help of…

Weiner Saga Illustrates Cultural Normalization of Deviance

June 21st, 2011 10:17 AM
In the aftermath of the exposure and resignation of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) from Congress, his colleagues, some journalists, ethicists and pundits are trying to sort out what it means. Has a new standard been created in Washington? How can Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) remain in office under an ethical cloud about money and Weiner be forced to resign because he had fantasy sex? It wasn't even "…

A New Paradigm for the Left

June 20th, 2011 5:37 PM
If you compare the Carter malaise with the Obama debt doomsday machine, any GOP 2012 presidential candidate should sail to victory with greater facility than Ronald Reagan did in 1980. But will she or he? I am optimistic but also believe that in making his economic case, the Republican candidate will have different challenges because of the ongoing growth of our welfare state and the…

Sea Sick

June 20th, 2011 1:34 PM
I am so sick and tired of people defending Barack Obama and the disastrous policies of the two years the Democrats had control of both houses of Congress. If anybody ever had a reverse Midas touch, it is this president. Everything he touches turns to debt. I sincerely want anybody who wants to defend Obama to respond to this column, but I don't want to have even one response that mentions…

Bachmann Turns On Overdrive

June 19th, 2011 7:59 PM
"I've given birth to five babies, and I've taken 23 foster children into my home," Michele Bachmann explained from the stage of the first major Republican presidential primary debate of the 2012 season. Jon Stewart would joke the next day that Bachmann was the winner of the primary "baby-off." Imagining himself as the moderator, "The Daily Show" host added: "And I just wanna ask everyone else…

Bozell Column: Playing Hardball on Softball

June 18th, 2011 8:02 AM
Traditional organizations like the Boy Scouts of America have long been under siege by atheists and pro-gay lobbyists who insist they shouldn’t have the freedom of association to maintain their God-fearing identity. But you think that’s maddening? How about the ultimate cultural flip-flop of a gay softball league going to federal court to insist that bisexual or heterosexual players can’t play…