Walter Williams Column: How Government Regulation Is a Barrier to Upwa

September 4th, 2012 1:15 PM
Let's pretend that we have the political guts to expand economic opportunities for people at the lower end of the economic spectrum. What vested interests should be attacked, and what economic regulations should be targeted for elimination? It doesn't take a lot of money to become a taxi owner-operator and earn more than $40,000 a year. One needs a car, an insurance policy and ancillary…

Tyrrell Column: Who Speaks for Reform In Islam

September 2nd, 2012 8:44 PM
How little we know about holy Islam! When those poor wretches who were imprisoned at Abu Ghraib were pictured for all the world to see naked with underpants on their heads, we were told that the naked male Islamic body must never be seen in public. Yet we have been seeing naked male Islamic bodies for years — often with their hands tied behind their backs and their heads chopped off. Their…

Rasmussen Column: Conventions Don't Matter and Mean Even Less

September 2nd, 2012 8:39 PM
Political junkies get excited about the Republican and Democratic national conventions, but for many Americans they provide a stark reminder of how out of touch our political system has become. The strange rituals and bad jokes seem oddly out of place in the 21st century, almost as strange as seeing an engineer use a slide rule rather than an iPad to perform some complex calculation. While…

Coulter Column: By New York Times Fact Checkers' Logic, Lounging In Be

August 30th, 2012 12:42 PM
Poor Mickey Kaus. He's the liberal intellectual (not an oxymoron -- he's the last known living "liberal intellectual") lefties on TV are usually stealing from, but now that this welfare reform maven has concluded that Romney's welfare ad is basically correct, liberals refuse to acknowledge his existence. The non-Fox media have formed a solid front in denouncing Romney's welfare ad for daring…

Walter E. Williams: The Rich Don't Pay Enough

August 29th, 2012 6:23 PM
If you listen to America's political hacks, mainstream media talking heads and their socialist allies, you can't help but reach the conclusion that the nation's tax burden is borne by the poor and middleclass while the rich get off scot-free. Stephen Moore, senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal, and I'm proud to say former GMU economics student, wrote "The U.S. Tax System: Who…

Malkin Column: Obama's Sneaky, Deadly, Costly Car Tax

August 29th, 2012 5:50 PM
While all eyes were on the Republican National Convention in Tampa and Hurricane Isaac on the Gulf Coast, the White House was quietly jacking up the price of automobiles and putting future drivers at risk. Yes, the same cast of fable-tellers who falsely accused GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney of murdering a steelworker's cancer-stricken wife is now directly imposing a draconian…

Cal Thomas Column: Romney's Opportunity

August 28th, 2012 6:13 PM
TAMPA, Fla. -- This week when Mitt Romney strides to center stage to deliver his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, he might draw inspiration from an unlikely source: the song "I Am What I Am" from the musical "La Cage Aux Folles." One of the chief complaints from voters about politicians is that they too often package themselves disingenuously to get elected, only to…

David Limbaugh Column: Romney's an Extremist, And Obama Isn't? LOL

August 28th, 2012 4:15 PM
President Obama's casting of Mitt Romney as extreme is one of the most glaring incidents of political projection in the modern era. Romney doesn't approach extremism in substance, style or disposition. Obama swims in it. In an interview with The Associated Press, Obama said Romney has locked himself into "extreme positions" on economic and social issues and would implement them if in office.

Chuck Norris Column: Top 10 Reasons Not to Re-elect Obama (Part 3 of

August 28th, 2012 4:00 PM
In 2010, President Barack Obama confessed to ABC News' Diane Sawyer, "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." But what if Obama's one term was not good but bad for the country? The past two weeks, I've given the first eight reasons not to re-elect President Obama. Though I would encourage readers to read the details in each of those points, here…

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. Column: Obama In High Seas

August 24th, 2012 4:24 PM
It has been a very rough patch for Our President, and I do believe it is going to get rougher still. Do not be surprised, as the month goes on and August runs into September, that his campaign budget becomes tighter. President Barack Obama is spending more money than he is raising. It will get worse. A president who mismanages the federal budget the way Obama does cannot be expected to manage…

Chuck Norris Column: Top 10 Reasons Not to Re-elect Obama (Part 2 of

August 23rd, 2012 6:08 PM
The New York Times reported, "With waning approval ratings and a stagnant economy, the possibility that Mr. Obama will not be re-elected has entered the political bloodstream." It's more than entered; it's flowing strong. Last week in Part 1, I began to list my Top 10 reasons not to re-elect President Obama. Though I would encourage readers to read the details of each of those points, here…

Coulter Column: Missouri Is the 'Show Me Another GOP Candidate' State

August 23rd, 2012 2:39 PM
Relying on Todd Akin's sense of decency has not worked. Within hours of his idiotic comments about "legitimate rape," Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS pulled out millions of dollars in funding for the Missouri Senate race. Akin didn't get the hint. Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, withdrew all funding from the Missouri race. Akin still refused to quit.

Malkin: Debate Moderators for Obama

August 22nd, 2012 6:32 PM
Can we stop calling the hosts of the presidential debates "moderators"? They're left-erators. It's time for the old media godfathers to end the pretense that they're fair and neutral observers of the American political scene. And it's time for the GOP to stop perpetuating these rigged exercises in futility. Last week, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the names of 2012's chosen…

David Limbaugh Column: Has Obama Been Divisive?! Let Me Count the Ways

August 21st, 2012 6:33 PM
I was on Sean Hannity's show the other night, and the question was whether Obama's statement denying his divisiveness is defensible. It's not. Obama said, "I don't think you or anybody who's been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We've always tried to bring the country together."