FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan

June 2nd, 2024 10:21 AM

In the 20 years since his death, journalists have praised Ronald Reagan as a way to disparage today's conservatives. But a look at the record shows the media routinely derided both Reagan and his policies.


FLASHBACK: Leftist Media HATED Republicans Long Before Trump

May 19th, 2024 10:08 AM

It’s one of those rhetorical devices you often hear on the liberal networks: media condemnations of “today’s Republican Party,” suggesting that if only Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or Mitt Romney were in charge instead of Donald Trump, journalists would be brimming with respect for the Grand Old Party. But it’s all convenient revisionism; the same media aggressively trashed yesterday’s…


FLASHBACK: Media Slammed Clinton’s ’99 Trial as a ‘Stalinist’ ‘Coup’

February 11th, 2024 10:17 AM

25 years ago, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Bill Clinton at his impeachment trial. At the time, journalists sneered that the trial of was a pointless waste of the Senate’s valuable time, while viewers heard it was an attempted “coup,” something “Stalinist” that evoked memories of Nazi Germany. Republicans were like KKK “night riders,” motivated by racism in their vendetta against a…


FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s War Against the ’95 Gingrich Majority

January 7th, 2024 10:02 AM

The sweeping conservative victory in the 1994 midterms shocked liberals, but within weeks the media elite were fully engaged in disparaging the new Republican majority as mean-spirited, racist, dumb and dangerous.


The Liberal Media’s Brazen Double-Standard on Sex Scandals

March 26th, 2018 2:08 PM
The news media’s obviously insatiable appetite for scandal news surrounding Republican President Donald Trump is sharply at odds with their aversion to covering such stories about Democratic President Bill Clinton two decades ago. From March 7 through March 25, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts aired 23 reports about various allegations involving President Trump, totaling 40 minutes of…

Media Love Stormy Daniels – But How Did They Treat Clinton's Accusers?

March 23rd, 2018 6:20 PM
Donald Trump is not the first President to have been accused of sexual improprieties. When President Bill Clinton faced allegations of sexual harassment from Paula Jones and even a rape charge from Juanita Broaddrick, the media looked for reasons not to cover those charges.

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of

September 10th, 2012 8:08 AM
For the past week, NewsBusters has been showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala September 27. (Click here for details, including ticket information.) If you’ve missed our recounting of the worst quotes from 1988 through 1995,…