NY Times Champions Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay 'Social Moderate' as the GOP

June 6th, 2014 8:47 AM
The New York Times knows just how to rebuild the Republican Party in California...in the image of The New York Times. In Thursday’s paper, correspondent Norimitsu Onishi highlighted the Republican nominee for governor, Neel Kashkari, “a social moderate backed by the Republican establishment.” “Social moderate”? In the next paragraph, we learn Kashkari “is of Indian descent and supports same-…

Latina Actress Bullied Off San Fran Stage for Supporting Tea Party Can

January 20th, 2014 1:07 PM
A small but vocal band of critics has forced an actress to bow out of a stage production purely because of her political views. It's a brand of McCarthyistic bullying that the national media would (rightly) condemn if the politics of principals in the controversy reversed. But don't hold your breath for a firestorm of outrage in the case of Maria Conchita Alonso, a conservative/libertarian…