Rachel Maddow Caught Doctoring Quote From Jefferson in Her Book 'Drift

March 26th, 2012 11:20 AM
Seeing how Rachel Maddow once insisted the Constitution has no preamble -- this from a woman with a doctorate in political science from Oxford -- it hardly comes as a shock when she misquotes Thomas Jefferson to her liking. In her new book, "Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power," Maddow attributes the following quotation to Jefferson, according the description of the book at…

Study Casts Further Doubt on Jefferson-Hemings Affair. Will Press Noti

September 1st, 2011 10:55 AM
Fact: The man who wrote so eloquently about basic human liberty in the Declaration of Independence was himself a slave owner. Unproven theory: That man had a sexual relationship with one of those slaves and fathered at least one of her children. If you’re a liberal journalist, the fact makes you inclined to believe the theory, and ideology and political necessity take you the rest of the way…

Eight Steps to Rebuild America's Economy

October 19th, 2010 12:00 AM
The White House's wish almost came true last week. It was hoping most of us and even the mainstream media would miss the release of the Congressional Budget Office's preliminary report on the 2010 federal fiscal year. And most did. The Wall Street Journal, however, exposed why the White House was being so secretive about its results: The CBO concluded that federal government spending has…

Matthews Accuses States' Rights Advocates of Racism, Quotes MLK But No

February 11th, 2010 1:29 PM
According to Chris Matthews, the fact that racists have during the history of the nation invoked the rights of the states to perpetuate slavery or segregation immediately renders all proponents of states' rights -- a pillar of federalism and the American Constitution -- racist.While Matthews and his Hardball guests on Tuesday cited names like Jim Crow and John Calhoun and compared them to Texas…