Liberal Media Lionize Corrupt Climate Crusading Lawyer as Martyr

February 10th, 2022 11:44 AM

Media leftists never waste an opportunity to spin one of their disgraced allies as some kind of hero. Even when there’s demonstrable proof they’ve done wrong. Anti-Chevron activist and disbarred eco-extremist lawyer Steve Donziger is no exception.

Court Filings Show '60 Minutes' Hero Donziger Colluded with Ecuadoran

August 4th, 2010 3:35 PM
These are some of the outtakes that the Ecuadoran plaintiff lawyer Steve Donziger probably wished were left on the cutting room floor. Back in May 2009, CBS's "60 Minutes" featured a story on the legal conflict between Chevron and an eco-group called the Amazon Defense Coalition for $27.4 billion in so-called environmental damage in Ecuador's rain forest from then-Texaco Petroleum's (Texpet)…