Senator Hillary Clinton

Team Clinton Blasts NY Times for Slowness In Fixing 'Egregious' Errors
July 31st, 2015 4:55 PM
An official with the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign sent a lengthy missive to Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, indicating “grave concern” over a controversial report the newspaper carried regarding the former secretary of state's private email account.
That's pretty audacious when Mrs. Clinton destroyed her own e-mail server and the State Department's getting scolded…

Mika on Morning Joe: Using 'Gender Card' Against Hillary Is 'Sexist'
July 21st, 2015 10:46 AM
On the July 21 edition of Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski went off on Mitch McConnell (R-KY) after the Senate Majority Leader claimed the gender card would not be enough for Hillary Clinton to win in 2016. The Morning Joe co-host was appalled that McConnell used the term “gender card” and explained: “[T]his is now sexist. It's just unfortunate. It's like those words you can't say, but some people…

'President' Cruz's Priority: Help Reporters Who 'Checked Into Therapy'
June 9th, 2015 2:35 PM
GOP presidential candidate and U.S. senator Ted Cruz took part in a town hall meeting sponsored by talk radio station WRKO in Boston and didn't hold anything back when responding to questions from host Jeff Kuhner.
The Texas Republican joked that if he wins the White House, “the first thing I should do is send flowers and a note of condolences to all of the reporters and editors who have checked…

Ted Cruz Charges Reporters' Gay Rights Questions Come From MSNBC
May 20th, 2015 7:26 PM
During a presidential campaign visit to Beaumont, Texas, on Tuesday, U.S. senator Ted Cruz finally became so exasperated with the constant barrage of reporters' inquiries about homosexuals' rights that he suggested Kevin Steele of KMBT-TV refrain from getting his questions “from MSNBC. They have very few viewers, and they are a radical and extreme partisan outlet.”
Cruz also referred to the U.S…

Poll Shows 46 Percent Want Stephanopoulos Out of Campaign Coverage
May 19th, 2015 5:50 PM
If it weren't for bad luck, senior ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos would have no luck at all.
According to a poll released Tuesday by Rasmussen Reports, a plurality of 46 percent of likely voters think that the co-host of the weekday Good Morning America program and This Week, a Sunday news and interview show, should be banned from any coverage of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Bill O'Reilly Slams 'Haters,' Says Smearing Should Be 'Unacceptable'
February 26th, 2015 7:07 PM
Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly used Wednesday evening's edition of The O'Reilly Factor to hammer “haters on both sides” of the political divide during a segment entitled “Hating President Obama.”
He began by stating: “At the height of the Iraq War, the vilification of President Bush the younger was off the chart,” with “the left in America accusing him and Vice President Dick Cheney of…

NY Times Documents the GOP's Latest Brands of Sexist 'Hillary Hating'
January 24th, 2015 10:25 PM
New York Times reporter (and chief Hillary Clinton follower) Amy Chozick made an indignant defense of the Democratic front-runner in "Clinton Opponents Hone New Barbs and Attacks as 2016 Campaign Nears." She introduced the article, which dripped with anti-Republican sarcasm, with a vivid description on Twitter: "The cottage industry of Hillary hating has never gone out of business, but it has…

Greenwald: Cheney Should Be in Prison Instead of on 'Meet the Press'
December 19th, 2014 5:28 PM
During an interview on the HuffPoLive program on Thursday morning, radical-left reporter Glenn Greenwald slammed former vice president Dick Cheney for saying that the interrogation tactics used by George W. Bush's administration have “worked now for 13 years,” and “I'd do it again in a minute.”
Greenwald, who is best known for his connection with NSA secret-leaker Edward Snowden, grumbled that “…
Who Is 'We
December 20th, 2007 12:21 PM
Was This the Slipping Digit?Found within the confines of the Los Angeles Times "Top of the Ticket" blog -- actually in its URL address -- is an interesting bit of a slip of the thumb (or finger, as I have no idea how Mister Andrew Malcolm types).The entry is entitled "Is (Hillary Rodham) Clinton now planting people in campaign forums?" (we at MRC would never insinuate such a thing), and is the…
Whitewash Reviewed Expertly by NewsMax
December 11th, 2007 11:27 AM
Whitewash, written by MRC's very own President L. Brent Bozell III with Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham and the tome for all your Christmas giving needs, was reviewed most excellently by Phil Brennan of and for the most excellent publication NewsMax. Behold some of the many extraordinary excerpts therefrom:In the book "Whitewash: What the Media Won't Tell You About Hillary Clinton, but…
Economy Continues Growth, Media Ignore Story
August 30th, 2007 1:54 PM
The Drudge Report has a front-page headline about the good news from the economy this morning. The headline links to an extensive story in Bloomberg News covering the economic news in detail. But it seems that for the majority of the media, this is not news that they wish to highlight.While the New York Times did not appear to consider this news as important as the report on the Viriginia Tech…