
The View's Glorification of Biden As Griffin Berates Her Own Party

July 25th, 2024 8:32 PM

Following President Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech on Wednesday night, Democrats have come forth with their sentiments, and overwhelming praises. The ladies of ABC’s The View were not apart from the movement, taking time on Thursday to glorify Biden’s long political career, not forgetting to leave time for inappropriate comments on Trump, and critiquing the whole Republican Party. …


The View: Harris Is a ‘Moderate,’ ‘Former Prosecutors Aren’t Leftist’

July 23rd, 2024 6:42 PM

The liberal media were in full spin mode Tuesday as they ramped up their full-throated support for Vice President Kamala Harris, trying desperately to make her appealing to voters. While CNN had tried to use Gen Z slang to woo younger voters, ABC’s The View was insisting that she was somehow a “moderate,” with no evidence nor explanation.


The View Defends Continued Use of Inciting Rhetoric Against Trump

July 16th, 2024 7:15 PM

Former President Trump literally getting shot in the head wasn’t enough to get the ladies of ABC’s The View to stop engaging in stochastic terrorism, via incendiary rhetoric that incites people to violence. They insisted that their claims of Trump ending the country if elected were the “truth” and were said with good “intention,” thus were above reproach and didn’t need to be…


WATCH: Behar Is Distressed By All the Dems Speaking Out Against Biden

July 11th, 2024 2:44 PM

Filling in for moderator Whoopi Goldberg because she had COVID again, ABC co-host Joy Behar was close to flying the American flag upside down on Thursday’s edition of The View. She was distressed by the growing list of Democrats speaking out against President Joe Biden by revealing their experiences with his mental decline and calling for him to exit the race.


'Hard To Tell The Truth': The View Circles The Wagons Around Biden

July 9th, 2024 3:00 PM

The cast of ABC’s The View circled the wagons on Tuesday to express how “pissed off” they are that some people are calling for President Joe Biden to step aside while downplaying his lousy debate performance as the result of what happens when you’re 81 years old or when you’re “trying so hard to tell the truth.” Even co-hosts who were more open to discussing Biden’s issues were quick…


PANIC: 'The View' Crew Unload Delayed Freakout Over Biden

July 8th, 2024 6:16 PM

After a weeklong hiatus The View is back, and has plenty to say to make up for lost time. Following a Democratic wave of panic which finally acknowledged the mental and physical state of President Biden, all five co-hosts took to the air to lay out their liberal opinions. They landed on both sides of the internal Democrat squabble.


Debate Disarray: The View Blames CNN, Wants New Candidate, Attacks GOP

June 28th, 2024 4:41 PM

President Biden’s debate performance was so abysmal, not even the Cackling Coven of ABC’s The View could ignore or spin what millions of Americans witnessed. During their Friday show, the cast was in disarray as they suggested CNN did something to the President, called for a new Democratic candidate, claimed the Republicans were the ones who needed someone new, and desperately stood…


The View Questions Tim Scott Appearing on Fox With ‘a Woman’ Fiancé

June 26th, 2024 8:44 PM

Wednesday morning’s episode of ABC’s The View began like any other, with discussions covering the dramas of the political world and making ridiculous constitutional claims. Though easily forgotten, The View exists under the ABC’s News umbrella, though its decorum and general output does not match this description. It is no surprise when co-host Sunny Hostin reported more like a gossip…


Rachel Maddow & The View Fearmongering with Fake Trump Hit List

June 19th, 2024 7:23 AM

ABC’s The View played host to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday, allowing her to fear monger regarding the potential re-election of former President Donald Trump. Maddow explains the dangers she saw as a threat from the former President, and the possibility of his revenge. Painting Trump as an unhinged, vindictive, and violent threat to many, co-host Joy Behar, and other co-…


Whoopi Calls for Class Action Suit on Justices, The View Disagrees

June 11th, 2024 7:11 PM

Another week, another phony Supreme Court justice scandal covered by ABC’s The View. This one being especially , only Whoopi Goldberg tried to insist it was actually a scandal. On Tuesday morning’s segment, the group discussed a deceptive audio secretly taken in hopes of embarrassing both Justice Samuel Alito and his wife. The tape, being of no great consequence, only highlighting the…


The View Uses Deceptively Edited Vid to Label Trump ‘Senile,’ ‘Crazy’

June 10th, 2024 7:08 PM

On Monday morning, following another eventful weekend, The View took to the air to, once again, complain about Donald Trump, in their own words, “you-know-who.” The women reacted to a video recap of Trump's comments from a rally. Yet their confusion from the video should more accurately be attributed to the deceptive and chaotic editing, and not the delivery of the former President…


Hostin Says Black Republicans Don't Exist, 'Like Looking at Unicorns'

June 7th, 2024 2:56 PM

Staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host of ABC’s The View, Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) was at it again; spewing her hate on Friday’s show and claiming that black Republicans didn’t exist at all, just like “unicorns.” She was joined by the liberal white ladies who lectured black Republican Congressman Byron Donalds (FL), who they suggested was ignorant of black…


The View Whines Biden 'Forced' into Border Order in an Election Year

June 5th, 2024 5:50 PM

After spending almost four years claiming there was nothing he could do about securing the U.S.-Mexico border (which echoed his claim about lowering inflation), President Biden finally issued an executive order to supposedly secure it. The purported effectiveness of the orders remained to be seen, but the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View spent the first part of their Wednesday show…


The View’s Fake Republican Compares Rubio to ‘Dog’ for Defending Trump

June 3rd, 2024 3:22 PM

Ana Navarro claims to still be a Republican despite actively campaigning for President Biden’s reelection effort and repeatedly defending allegedly corrupt Democrats such as New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. And on Monday’s show, in the wake of former President Trump’s felony convictions under questionable circumstances, she raged at Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio for defending Trump by…