Robert McDonnell

WashPost Promises to Help Tear Down Former GOP Governor of Virginia
July 30th, 2014 9:22 AM
The Washington Post has deeply and lovingly covered the corruption scandal around former Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell, and couldn’t contain its excitement over the trial. In Sunday’s newspaper and in Tuesday’s Post Express tabloid, they highlighted this preview in headlines: “It’s Going To Be Ugly.” They couldn't wait for the ugliness.
What neither headline explained was that they were…

WashPost Downplays Virginia Gov. McAuliffe Returning to Sleazy Clinton
March 19th, 2014 8:04 AM
Virginia’s new governor, Terry McAuliffe, is returning to form, hosting special fundraising coffees with major donors and policy “experts.” This may be just like the way McAuliffe held White House coffees and sold overnight Lincoln Bedroom stays to donors for Bill Clinton, but it’s a bit troublesome for The Washington Post, which quickly cancelled its own cozy idea of sponsored “expert” dinners…

PETA Asks Virginia to Sponsor a 'Fishing Hurts' Road Stop on Interstat
April 3rd, 2011 11:12 PM
The Roanoke Times has discovered that opening Virginia's highway rest stops to sponsors might not mean just more advertising for fast food. It could lead to requests from opponents of the mainstream ideas of food and leisure activities:
Gov. Bob McDonnell announced an initiative last week that would allow for sponsorships at Virginia's highway rest areas to help offset the cost of operating…
WaPo Buries Story Concerning Disenfranchisement of Soldiers from North
October 28th, 2008 12:31 PM
A Fairfax County registrar's attempts to disenfranchise soldiers voting by absentee ballot is one step closer to being reversed thanks to a legal opinion issued yesterday by Virginia Attorney General Robert McDonnell (R). Although the Old Dominion is a hard-fought battleground state in the 2008 presidential election and John Kerry-backing Fairfax County should be a true-blue source of Obama votes…